good morning
Tavia V
on 2/21/06 10:43 pm - Long Island, NY
on 2/21/06 10:43 pm - Long Island, NY
Good Morning everyone!
I am sorry to put a cloud over the board w/all of my problems, I feel terrible about that. I seem to always do that.
I feel so horrible. I still have a fever but its only 102.7 w/out tylenol. I have broke out w/ cold sores all over my lips and inside my mouth and they hurt like heck. I can even look at food let alone eat it. I am getting in some smoothies, soup and water in so I do not think I'm becoming dehydrated again.
My poor son is sick as well. He is actually getting better which is good. He has off from pre-school this week anyway so I am glad he isnt missing anything b/c I got him sick.
The surgeon sounded like he was going to cry when I spoke with him on the phone to tell him what is going on w/me. This man is such a trip. He says I am like the story book character, Madeline. I am not quite familiar with that story, due to the fact I have a boy, but I am assuming its a nice thing to say.
But right now I feel like flu/cold sore monster. blah, blah and another blah.
I curse the person who gave me this coodie!
It is enough already, I have paid my dues. Anyway, have a good day guys, take care.

Hi Tavia - I totally agree with have been through @*() and back, yet keep on going. You often are the ray of sunshine on this board that makes me smile. Sometimes I feel like some people only want to hear 100% positive ain't-this-all-swell stories, but for me, having been through some complications myself, I know it's important to have a safe place to express whatever we're going through at the time - so I applaud you for putting yourself out there, no matter what!
I'm sorry for all your discomfort and hope you feel better soon!
Take care,

Well, I'm late - it's now afternoon - so good afternoon!
Tavia - you poor dear! I can't believe what you have been through this year and now this awful cold on top of it all. You must say why me and when will it all end all the time! I know I would!
Please, never, never feel bad about telling us what is going on. I think I speak for everyone when I say we worry about you and always want to hear what's up - good or bad.
Feel better, kid. Sending you big hugs!
Tavia V
on 2/22/06 5:14 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/22/06 5:14 am - Long Island, NY
hi again,
Thanks so much to everyone for being so sweet and understanding!
I don't know, sometimes I feel b/c my story is so loooong and horrific at points some people do not want to hear it and I do not blame them. It is a lot. Heck, I cant help it, this is my life.
Having such a hard time like myself can happen and does happen but very rarely. I just happen to post a lot on the obesityhelp NY web board alot so more people know of my situation. My surgeon has told me that he can remember a few people have mentioned myself to him and to his partner. I'm like what how embarassing. I guess I dont realize how many people are reading my words. I know ALOT of people lurk but you dont realize how many are. peek-a-boo!
There is good to know there is a lot support on here, its great. My husband and most of my friends are truly super in the support area. My family is another story, esp. my mother. oh geez. My mother calls having the bypass a "condition" like its this horrific thing like having a large bump on my back. She is pretty horrible in the support/understanding department, which isnt my fault so there is nothing I can do but let it roll off my back.
For an example, for my birthday she bought me a chocolate cake. She knows I cant eat things like that. She said at least you can blow out the candles and then they can enjoy the cake. She said what are we suppose to do, not have any cake? And what am i suppose to do, smear it on my face like war paint, i mean come on.
Isn't that horrible? My husband said to my mother for Tavias birthday there is no cake. You should see my husband, he will not dare eat anything bad in front of me, oh no. He just does it at work, heehee. I am proud of him in that aspect b/c he has been making a lot better choices. He was eating some carrots w/dip last night which he would have NEVER done a year ago.
After gastric bypass surgery, almost dying, 5 follow-up surgeries due to complications(one at that point just a couple of week earlier) various other complicatons/health problems and she still doesnt get it. Blah blah and another blah. When I told the surgeon about the chocolate cake he coughed on his own surgeon spit.
I guess you can say what is happening to me know is an example of how important it is to eat well and make the best choices you can. You do not want to end up getting various health problems b/c your nutrition is not the best it can be. For me, I have had medical reasons why my eating is not been so good, even though I can been trying to eat the best things I can to get by. For most I believe it is about making the best "choices" you can make. I have realized this is so important and will never take it for granted again. Anyway, take care.

Hi Tavia,
I'm glad to see you posting, I was getting worried about you. I'm so sorry that you are still sick with the flu. I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad your son is doing better. Hopefully it will have run its course on you and by tomorrow or Friday you will be feeling much better.
I had to laugh that Dr. Gellman said you are like "Madeline". She is a character, she makes life interesting, never a dull moment. Your son might enjoy some of the stories.
Stay hydrated, rest and try to relax.
Talk to you soon.