Fighting with myself!
(deactivated member)
on 2/21/06 9:13 pm - MT
on 2/21/06 9:13 pm - MT
Hun it helps more then you know....THANKS. ~hugs~ Just hearing that others have these same struggles helps to know that I can change this and move on.....
Thanks again
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 2/21/06 10:17 pm - MT
on 2/21/06 10:17 pm - MT

Deb - you need to make your routine fun and challenging.
Everyone gets to a point and then think they have to work longer and harder- when that is not the case. Motivation is key...I motivate myself by reminding myself- no matter how crappy or how bad my day is before I workout- when Im done- I feel like a million bucks and one workout closer
to goal..I also block out the days Ive worked out on a calendar- so I try to do it 4 days a week- and try to get in DVD training as I want to target
my waist and legs.. Weight training or strength training, starting with light weights, can help you. DO you get FIT TV on cable?
set your recorder for Body Sculpting with Gilad- he is a well known Decathalon trainer, and someone Ive been following since late 80s. He is motivating, challenging and always shows correct form and he shoots from Hawaii. Add this instead or in addition to your treadmill.. you have to be excited about something..and once you start seeing the difference weights add- a) definition b) you can target waist hips etc c) you actually look forward to your workouts and wont want to skip them.
I also change my music in my MP3 player..stuff like James Brown-
"get up offa that thing and dance" you cant sit still to it..I also lsten
to Marky Mark do "Good Vibrations" you can find these on itunes- if you want more I can give you a makes a difference. Ive moved from doing treadmill 30 mins to doing it 55 followed with another 20 on the stairstepper. I am going to incorporate rowing or an elliptical trainer- just for a change of pace and cross train..but I will say- I can feel the muscles in my legs and see the difference in my thighs, and that should motivate you too!

I believe that this is a time to revisit your initial goals for WLS. I recommend we all journal and especially preop/postop. Looking to the motivating factors for this decision can bring us rejuvenation and strength.
Look at WHAT YOU R doing well.
(Vs focusing on the thing u r struggling with). BUILD from that platform! (water, vits, protein etc)...
Do a reframe: I am challenging myself to find away to fit exercise into my life. I also feel that if we cannot fit it in then LIFE then needs to change. No more beating self up for the struggle, instead praise self for stepping up to the challenge. How we talk to ourselves has a lot to do with how we act and feel. (Yeah I know psychobabble huh!)...
Sometimes the pressure we impose makes us come to a screeching halt (that defiant child with in saying NO WAY!).
We all have this from time to time. Look to variety perhaps, that helps me. In the beginning of my journey I walked, then I added curves, then when I outgrew that (boredom also) I joined a gym, I have taken an adult ed cheap Pilates class and am doing that again soon, I rent or go to Library different exercise videos. I have Leslie Sansone's walk off the pounds 1, 2, 3 mile tapes. We need rainy day and cold day backups!
For me fitting it in means ***getting up early***,
IT JUST HAS TO BE, I know me end of the day has to many chances for missing....I try and make excuses why I can't do other things (if it interferes w/ my workout), this is how I do it and wrap my brain around how life has to change if exercise doesn't fit. :juggle;
You know what you need/want now developing a plan...I say fail to plan and plan to fail...
can be relieved by exercise I am sure we all know that, until you get over the initial pain of it, it is hard to see the benefit BUT the benefit does come! Stress we know also can add to wt gain and slow wt loss, not just due to choices in food, but there is scientific evidence to this that neurochemical changes happen! (Cortisol etc)
Write down your goal for the week, then work on it, once you have one goal under your belt start on another (if same goal up the challenge in time/intensity/frequency), KEEP a progress chart of wt, measurements, BMI and exercise in a graph to track trends!!! Also be patient and kind to yourself, no one said this was easy! It is hard and no one is perfect! But you can change.
(THINK PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION)...The negative habits didn't happen overnight so neither will positive ones! But they wont happen if you don't start somewhere!
Asking for help and admitting the problem is a great first step!...Life will always be busy but we can reprioritize health as a higher priority and taking care of ourselves has to be more important than anything else!
Maybe start an exercise challenge here!?
Maybe do a 'what movement did you do today' (like the what did you eat today) thread? I am sure we are not alone in our issues and others could benefit from a challenge and the support and motivation!?
Keep motivational tips/sayings all around you (refrig/cupboards/bathroom mirror/bedroom/computer/work station etc).
Below is from a friend of mine JUJU:
Everyone exercises for different reasons, but no matter what your
Initial motivation, you still get ALL the benefits!
Below is a list of 20 reasons why you should exercise! If you can find
even one benefit on this list, you'll have enough reason to begin an
exercise program and take steps to take care of yourself!
Regular Exercise can.......
* Help you lose weight, especially fat
* Improve your physical appearance
* Increase your muscular strength and endurance
* Maintain your resting metabolic rate to prevent weight gain
* Increase your stamina and ability to do continuous work
* Improve fitness levels, or your body's ability to use oxygen
* Provide protection against injury
* Improve your balance and coordination
* Increase bone mineral density to prevent osteoporosis
* Lower resting heart rate and lower blood pressure
* Reduce triglycerides, bad cholesterol (LDL), raises good cholesterol
* Enhance sexual desire and performance ---
* Reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer
* Reduce heart disease risk and stroke
* Increase insulin sensitivity -- prevents type 2 diabetes
* Reduce your level of anxiety and help you manage stress
* Improve your self-esteem and restore confidence
* Help you sleep better, relax, and improve mood!
I am sure you can even think of more!!
Post all the wonderful things exercise has done for you!!
Lets support each other, as we all become "Sweaty Losers"
Bring out the "Loser Within"
Exercise is the Name -- Weight loss is the Game!!!
Weigh to go --"Sweating Off the Pounds"! ! !
One last word, I recommend counseling if people want to work on personal growth issues, or things as your discussing (Self sabotage), getting to the root cause and working on challenging fixed irrational beliefs can help! It doesn't mean your crazy to see a therapist, it means your healthy and wanting to grow and challenge oneself!
HUGE HUGS of loving support!!!!
So what is the plan? We all know what we want to do, but how we are going to do it is the key!
PS an excellent link with great articles!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Hi Debra,
I can only say I feel your pain. I struggled last week with the emotional upset and it was work not to eat through it.
This week, I am struggling with the exercise as well. I did go for a walk on the rail trail Monday after church exercise, but I drag myself practically-lol. Last night, I went to church exercise and was a complete slug and a bit disappointed in myself. But then, I thought well I've 43 pounds since November and 24 since surgery so I guess I'm doing something right!
Take care and be good to yourself. Maybe you're like me and have had enough of the weather? I am so ready for spring, I want to walk the rail trail more. It was so cold on it Monday...brrrrr!!!!!!! Oh I wish to be like my kids where they don't care about the cold-lol.