Long Island support groups?
Hi Jane,
I was banded by Dr. Geiss at Syosset Hospital 10/24/05. I am going to my 1st support group meeting at Syosset hospital tonight. Its always on Tues PM which is hard for me because I usually work on Tues PM .
a few questions:
Is it only for bandsters or are there bypass pt as well? Who is present/leads the support group meetings? How many people usually attend the meetings? Where in the hospital are the meetings Held? Are there patients of many different surgeons, or mainly Dr. Cusati?
Hi Lisa
ANYONE can come to the support group meeting. There are both banded and RNY patients there, but we help and support each other!!! Also there are patients there from several different MD's including Dr Geiss! So if you need us...we're there and you're more then welcome to attend!
Jane aka The LI Princess

Hi Lisa
I'm a patient of Dr Geiss too and I have a real hard time making it to that post-op support group in Syosset since I work in NYC. But I go to that mixed support group at Good Sam that Jane mentioned. Its a very nice group. They meet every other Sat morning from 9-10:30 am (this Sat is the next one). Its held in the Guild Conference Room. A nurse (bariatric coordinator) and a social worker lead the group. I would say there are between 25-30 people at the meetings maybe...
I may not be able to go this Sat but I'm going to try to make it.
Come join us.

What part of the Island do you live on? There's a group that meets on the last Tues of each month in Melville on Rte 110. I haven't made it to one yet but I want to try to make the next one. If you want the info, email me and I'll send you the link to sign up. You have to join the yahoo group.
Can you tell me where there's a group in the city? I could possibly make one after work.