Am I A Woos or what?
Last Wednesday I went back to work, and it was the 3 week anniversary of my surgery as well. Overall I felt pretty good and I have been to the gym doing cardio only, almost daily. By Friday morning I was in so much discomfort that I needed to press my left hand on my lower left side incision just to walk. The incision that was cut through muscle.
I went to the company, on site, doctor and he sent me home stating that perhaps I came back to work too soon? Today, I'm feeling ok and ready to give work another try tomorrow then I had another problem. At about 3 PM, two hours after lunch (3 oz Chicken/ 2 oz cottage cheese,1/2 cup italian zuccini) I had a bowel movement that was some what normal along with diarea a few moments later. Then nausea with vomiting 1 time.
My doctor told me that if nausea continues he will call something in. Now I feel like crap and I am thinking of staying home until Wednesday or Thursday. Am I a woos?

Hi Kenny,
I don't believe that you are a woos at all! We all have different rates of recovery and if diarrhea keeps you home then you need the rest. Why chance getting sick and having to drive home when you don't feel well?
Did you drink within the hour after you ate? Sometimes when I drink with an hour after eating, I also get nauseous.
Do what you think is best for you and do call your doctor if you continue to feel not so well.
Please take care of yourself.
Linda M
Nooooo Kenny
You are not a wuss! I was debating over whether or not I'd go back to work, if other factors were not there(need 2nd running car and some child care)
I would not quite yet. The job I last did which was retail inventory,has bending. I am still having a tiny bit of pain, and pressure just at the port site. So are definitely not a wuss.
NO your not a WOOS we all heal differently.
PERHAPs you have a touch of the nasty intestinal
bug that is going around.....
I know my 3 kids had it and i did too....
but just take your time and every day and
week that passes you will get stronger
and better!
I was tired for a good 6 weeks after the surgyery
but managed to function with my work.