Hello from Long Island
Hello, I havn't posted on the New York Board in a while. I'm still waiting anxiously everyday to hear from my local as to if my Lap RNY is approved. Its been 3 weeks. My nerves are shot. My patience are shot. I need to know, like now. But I must be patient.
I have been in such agony. My plantar faciatis (heel spurs) are really bad. It used to be that they only hurst when I walked, now they burn even when sitting. I'm so close to telling my foot doctor to just do the surgery on them, but something inside me keeps saying "wait until you get an answer from local, they'll subside when you loose the weight."
OK, I'm really not crazy, just rambling on. Hope all of you are doing well. Will talk to you soon.
Ronkonkoma, NY
(deactivated member)
on 2/16/06 6:44 am - MT
on 2/16/06 6:44 am - MT
Hun I know how the waiting feels.....
I guess really we all had to go through it so we can all understand. Hang in there and you will hear soon I am sure. I also had heel spurs and I do have to say how sickening that pain is, I was fitted with orthodics (sp?) and it helped so much and yes losing some weight will help that as well.
Take care and keep us posted, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you hear soon... ~hugs~
Debra P

HI Lisa!!
I knwo all too well about heel spurs!! OMG...my feet used to hurt ALL the time...welll guess what?? As soon as I lost weight....no more pain!! Who knew huh? 

Best of luck to you and I hope your wait for your approval isnt too much longer!!
BTW...the support group I told you about are meeting next Friday. Email and let me know if you are interested in going.

Hi Lisa,
Have you tried filling a 2 liter bottle with water and freezing it. Once it is frozen take it out and roll it under you foot while you are sitting. This will sooth and slightly stretch the tendons. Maybe you can get a script for PT from your podiatrist, they can help with the spurs. Some patients do really well with cortisone injections also. Orthotics help but if your insurance doesn't cover them or until you can get a pair try a Spenco insert for your shoe. They maybe helpful. Feel better. I hope your local gets back to you soon about your gastric bypass. Waiting to here from the insurance and local is agonizing.
Take care.
Lisa, Hi from Long Beach, Long Island.
Waiting on word of your WLS is really mentally draining. Most of us have been through it. Just be patient. I had heel spurs and kept taking Cortisone shots to relieve the pain. After about 1 year of taking them it just disappeared. I know the pain.
Good Luck to you and please......be patient.
Long Beach New York
At Present....145lbs "AT GOAL"

I know what is like to have heel spurs also I have them in both heels have orthotics they help somewhat however taking a hottub is helpful. I had to wait for my clearance first I was rejected because my bmi was below 40 but the scale was off so I was weighed again and I met the crieteria. Very frustrating. Listen, I am sure you will be approved. Just relax and savour your meals because after surgery you really don;'t want to eat it is uncomfortable to eat never thought I would say that.
Good luck