What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/06 7:49 pm - MT
on 2/15/06 7:49 pm - MT
Good Morning all ~hugs~
We are yet again almost done with this week. Next Tues my lawyer is going to ask the bank for their paroval letter, we are all set for closing but the bank is taking its sweet ass time.
I think my real estate agent will be calling the bank as well. I will keep ya posted...
Ok what I had yesterday:
B- 3 oz cottage cheese with 3 fresh stawberries
1 Centrum chewable multi, 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate, 1 benefiber chewable.
S- String cheese, 1/2 cup watermellon
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
L- 3 1/2 oz chicken, 6 slices cuc
1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
S- 6 oz Stallone pudding
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
D- 3 oz grilled chicken, 1/2 cup cauliflower, 1/4 potato with pat of butter
1 Centrum chewable multi, 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate.
At bed time I had the last chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
*Supplements: 2000 mg calcium (both Citrate and Carbonate), 2 multi vitamins, 500 mg of B-12.
*Water Intake: 66 oz water, 8 oz cyrstal light
*Excercise: 15 mins on treadmill at 2.5 mph
OK that is it for now, you all have a great day! ~hugs~
Debra P

Good Morning! Sun is out and its going to be a nice day.....
What i had yesturday....
Scrambled egg with cheese and half a banana
coffee with protein powder
salad with 2 chicken nuggets
coffee with protein powder
salad with chicken stir fry with peppers and onions
water and vitamins and treadmill of course. Enjoy the weather today its not supposed to last!

(deactivated member)
on 2/16/06 3:19 am - MT
on 2/16/06 3:19 am - MT
Hello hun and yes the sun is shinning so I got out at lunch and walked for 1/2 hr on the local trail, it was awesome.
Now I do not have to get on the treadmill tonight.
Take care
Debra P

Good Morning! I thought I'd get a head start with this today (and I called in sick...had to get some sleep!)
B 3/4 c cottage cheese with 2 peach slices, 1 ry-krisp
L string cheese, 2 Wheatsworth crackers with 2 tsp p'nut butter
D (late) 1 bite of cheeseburger, 1 onion ring, 3/4 french fry.
Before bed - 2 sf popsicles
iron w/B12, calcium, Nexium
(deactivated member)
on 2/16/06 3:18 am - MT
on 2/16/06 3:18 am - MT
I am sorry you are not feeling well or could not sleep to well... ~hugs~ When do you go for your 3rd dialation(sp?)?
Debra P

Hi Deb,
The next one is Tuesday AM. Have to be at hospital by 7 AM. The PA put me on Nexium, 2X daily (before bkfst and dinner) and it's taken alot of the gaseous rumbles away, but the proteins are not sitting well. Go figure...!!! carbs like popcorn and rice go down with no problem.
I needed some extra sleep because I've been waking up with 3-4 extreme hot flashes each night and it interupts my beauty sleep
I just needed to catch up on the ZZZZZZ's.
Thank you for asking.

Hey ladies, sorry it's been a while but it's been crazy, let's first tell you what I ate yesturday.
B - 1 egg w/ 1 slice of american cheese, 1/2 slice whole wheat toast
Between Breakfast and lunch I had 2 Citracal Calcium Citrate plus vitamine D
L - The inside of 2 hard shelled tacos (beef, cheese and guacamole (sp?))
Between Lunch and Dinner I had my pre-natal vitamine (not pregnant) and my iron supplement
D - 1/2 cup of go lean kashi cereal and 2 oz of skim milk
Problem number one. Constipation it's really bad this week, I just purchased the benefiber chewables, but was wondering how long they take to work. I don't want to have to go while at work.
Problem number two. PMSing for around 2 weeks, I have never had a regular period since day one (9 years old) I usually have two months on, and two months off, this is my on month and it's just taking it's sweet old time. Is there anything out there that can help it come down and put me out of my misery.
Sorry to be so graffic, but I need help.
Deb - get those bank people on the ball, they dragged their feet big time when I was buying my house 4 years ago. Good luck.
Pat Smith
(deactivated member)
on 2/16/06 2:04 am - MT
on 2/16/06 2:04 am - MT
Hun I am staying on top of this for sure...
So is my real estate agent and my lawyer. I just want this to be done with so we can move forward.
I STILL hate to wait.
I have to take Glycolax every other day to help with constipation and have stopped taking the benefiber for a bit, I want to see if that is what was bulking me up so much. I will see.......I am PMSing as well hun and I crave all things crunchy and salty...
well take care hun and have a great day! ~hugs~
Debra P