Need a favor
Ok I dont know if you great people know but I live in a small upstate NY town, we only have about 1200 people that live here. So for someone to have gastric bypass I was the talk of the town
Some might think this is good but believe me some of the rumors about me were pretty wild when I started to lose the weight and go from 420 lbs to where I am now at around 200 lbs. Anyway since I had my surgery this guy I know here in town watched me and decided to have this surgery because he saw I great I did
and he wanted to do this also. He went back and forth about doing this for over a year but decided to do it and I am really happy for him, I told him I would be here for him for anything and we all know how much support is needed in the beginning of this journey so that is why I am asking this favor. I have heard from someone that Lance had people try to talk him out of it and he could do this on his own but we all know that wont work other wise we would not all be here and know each other like family.
So I am asking you guys if you can to wish lance well because he is having his surgery this morning at Albany Med here in NY and it would be great for him to see just how much support we give each other here when needed.
Thanks guys and I hope you all have a great day and drop by his page and write any thing so Lance can see for himself when he gets home from the hospital how we are a GREAT BUNCH OF FRIENDS.
Here is the link to Lance's page
LAP RNY Distal 02/19/03 Dr Korman LA California
Plastic Surgery 06/02/04 Dr Rockmore Albany NY 15 ½ lbs Removed
Plastic Surgery 09/07/05 Dr Rockmore Albany NY 5 ½ lbs Removed
LAP Incision Hernia Repair 02/03/06 Dr Korman LA California

Hi, Tony!
It was great seeing you post here!!! I had forgotten you were from NY State! I just finished posting to your friend!
I am originally from a small town in Western NY State - called Cuba, NY. It's down in Allegany County.
It was great meeting you in January!! Hope to see you again - maybe the weather will be nice and we can go for a harley ride!

Hi Jill
It was great meeting you also in VA, I will say you Guys down there are a really nice bunch of people and made all us out of towners feel so welcome.
(and you people really know how to
also) I have been to at least 5 of the OH get togethers and I will say that VA was the best ever, David and Nat did such a great job with everything. As for that Harley ride if the weather is good in June I just might bring the Harley to VA so we all can go for that bike ride but dont know what the weather is like at that time down there.
As for Cuba I have heard of it but never been there and I am sure right about now its not bike riding weather there like it isnt here either, the temps went from 50 on Thursday to below ZERO this morning with a high today of no more than 5 ABOVE burrrrrr.
Also thanks for posting to Lance for me and hope to get that ride in come June.