What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/06 9:24 pm - MT
on 2/7/06 9:24 pm - MT
Hello All ~hugs~
OK mid week and doing ok here..
I hope you all have a great day! I will add more info to my post here and maybe you all can add more info as well.
What I had yesterday:
B- 3 oz cottage cheese with 3 fresh strawberries
1 Centrum chewable multi, 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate, 1 benefiber chewable.
S- String cheese, 1/2 cup smartpop
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
L- 4 oz tuna with 1 tablespoon light mayo, 5 slices of cucumber, 12 small grapes
1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
S- 6 oz Stallone pudding
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
D- 3 oz fresh salmon with grilled zuccini (sp?)
1 Centrum chewable multi, 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate.
S- 1/2 cup Fresh Watermellon
At bed time: 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
*Supplements: 2000 mg calcium (both Citrate and Carbonate), 2 multi vitamins, 500 mg of B-12.
*Water Intake: 66 oz of water and 12 oz cyrstal light.
*Excercise: Walking around a store for a while and parking further away then normal.
OK I think that covers it all... ~Hugs~ You all have a great day!
Debra P

Hi Debra, thanks for the support in the other post!
B-scrambled egg with cheese and half a banana
S-coffee with protien powder
L-Salad at mcdonalds with 1 chicken nugget
S-coffee with protien powder
D-Egg roll, threw half back up...a string cheese
S-apple with peanut butter and some wheat thins
Viactive chewable multivitamin.....forgot to take the rest..
i know not good....not enough water either. Did lots of walking. Will try to do better with the water and vitamins today. Mind has been in other places...Have a great day. LisaMarie

(deactivated member)
on 2/7/06 9:49 pm - MT
on 2/7/06 9:49 pm - MT
You are welcome and just know you are NOT alone in your feelings. ~hugs~
Yes I am sure you have other things on your mind right now, take care of this and get back to taking care of you. 
Hun if you need to chat please email me your number and we can talk on the phone, I know that sometimes talking helps ~hugs~
Debra P

Good morning;
We got 3 inches of fluffy white stuff this morning. First real snow for us this year.
B-Protein shake made with choclate Hood Carb milk and 100%whey choclate carmel
s-4oz of sf yogurt
s-4oz of sf yogurt
d-chicken and refried beans
s-sf pudding 1tsp of low fat pb
all my vitiamins and not enough water, must work on water.
I have my one month check up this morning, so I hope all is good.
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/06 9:57 pm - MT
on 2/7/06 9:57 pm - MT
I hope all goes well today, keep us posted. ~hugs~
Take care
Debra P

Do the humpty Hump!
B 1 banana
1 protein breakfast bar, apple crisp, Atkins
1 cup of coffee
L sweet n sour chicken made w/splenda
1 cup of coffee
1 protein shake
D 3 oz chicken & potatoes in sauce
S 1/2 chocolate chip cookie
Calcium Citrate with D 625mg x 2
Bariatric Chewable iron
Equate Mutivit = Centrum
Didn't get my second iron or calcium in will today!
Needed to get on treadmill, too tired to do it
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/06 10:56 pm - MT
on 2/7/06 10:56 pm - MT
Yeah I understand the tired and the treadmill, I have to come up with something that will work for me since I know I HAVE to do this. As it gets nicer I will walk on the trails at lunch but with the cold they can be ice and snow covered.
Once we are in our own house I can walk on the treadmill in the mornings before work but now I can not do that because there is someone living/renting the basement in our landlords house. I think they would not like to hear the treadmill at 5am
Well take care
Debra P

Hi Debra
And hello to everyone
Enjoying myself in Fl. visiting my sister I needed a break from the winter cold.Down here is beautiful went to Miami
yesterday 85degrees and went to the beach.I'll be back in NY on Thur. and back to work on FRi can't wait hahaha!
Well what I eat yesterday
B:protrin pancake with 1/2banana
S:2slice of low sodium ham and cheese
L:1hot dog
D:Went to Joes seafood restuarant in Miami
Seafood brisque(shared with my sister)
3Fried shrimp and spinach suarte in garlic(oh it was good)
Plenty of water and my vitamins
Everyone enjoy the rest of the day

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/06 12:09 am - MT
on 2/8/06 12:09 am - MT
Ok now I am jealous...
I am so wanting some warmer weather
Well you have a great time hun and don't be shocked at the cold when you get back. ~Hugs~
Debra P

Hi Deb,
Happy hump day.
1 Trinsicon vitamin (prescription)
B - Carnation Instant Breakfast
S - 1/2 Detour protein bar
L - Salad w/swiss cheese, lite Italian dressing, small banana
1 One-a-Day vitamin w/calcium
S - 1/2 Detour protein bar
D - Health Choice chicken w/green beans
1 Trinsicon vitamin (prescription)
S - Soy crisps
24 ozs decaf coffee
32 ozs plain water
8 ozs skim milk
Have a great day.