Its Time
My husband made the call yesturday to schedule my baby Hercules a 10 year old Rottie i have had since he was 6 weeks old to be put down. He was diagnosed with bone cancer in October. He has been on pain medication and was doing very well up until about a week ago. THe tumor on his leg has gotten so big and he is no longer weight bearing on it. I was up all last night crying....He has been my friend, my bodyguard, my listener....I have a picture of him in my profile. Its just so hard....Thanks for listening. LisaMarie
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/06 9:11 pm - MT
on 2/7/06 9:11 pm - MT
I am so sorry hun and I know your pain, trust me!!......~tight hugs~ There is nothing I can say that will help lessen the hurt right now but now that it will get better for you even though it does not feel that way right now. It just plain old sucks!!!
The 2 cats and dog we lost in the fire last year still hurts so bad that when I stop to think about it, it still sends tears to my eyes and I guess it always will
........Hun know your NOT alone!!!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 
Debra P

Hi Lisa
I'm so sorry to here ,I know how you feel.It is so hard to lose a pet no a best friend.I've being through it so I know what you are going through.After I lost my cat Skippy and his mother Mimi 3 years later I couldn't function They were my best friend they listen to me hang around me when I was sick.It took me almost 7 yrs to get another pet and she has delightful personality.I know it hard so hang in there my dear.

Tavia V
on 2/8/06 12:58 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/8/06 12:58 am - Long Island, NY
I am so sorry to hear about your baby. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care.
Lisa Marie,
I am so sorry for your loss ! I feel your pain , I really do. I had 2 beautiful dog's before having the 2 that I have now . Both of them were my little children. My large husky mix was with me for 16 yrs. . She did really well but was full of Arthiritis . One day I woke up to her having a major seizure , then another and another . I rushed her to the vet and he said that it was time to let her go . She lived a long wonderful life for a dog her size ! I felt sooo bad
but I had to to it for her sake.
I will never forget her ! She used to lay under our beautiful maple tree. That is where she was barried. I even went as far as making her a grave stone. It helped to do that for me and my children.
Just previous to having to put my "girl" to rest my little "chiqouwa"( I know that is not the correct spelling ) got loose one day from his run and came up missing. I had him for 13 yrs. Two days later he showed up at 12:30 am on my porch all blood.
I carried him in and checked him over but only found one single hole in his little neck. I think he was shot. He could not stand up even though he tried . He died about 15 min. later.
I loved them both with all my heart and swore I would never get anymore animal's (kids) But here I am 2 yrs later with 2 more beautiful kids that I love with all my heart. My black lab is just like a little boy ! We alway's say that "He is a little boy trapped in a dogs body "
My other is a golden retreiver and loves to play ball !
Again , someday I know I will have to face losing them but for now I will make them happy and they will make my heart rejoice that I have them to love!
I am so very sorry , Lisa. I know your pain. It will get easier in time but you will never forget ! Your baby needs to be at peace now. Remember that he will not have to suffer anymore !
Maybe someday you too will be able to have the joy of a new pet (child).
We love you ! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers ...Sweetie!