What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/06 1:27 am - MT
on 2/6/06 1:27 am - MT
Spring, Spring did someone say Spring
it can not come fast enough.....
Take care
Debra P

Good morning.
I wasn't too good yesterday went to a Superbowl Party and ate a bunch of stuff. Back on track today.
B - Carnation Instant Breakfast
D - 1 meatball, 4 mini pieces of chicken sausage, taco dip with a few taco chips, celery, carrots, shrimp, couple of potato chips, 2 mini hotdogs, tossed salad w/lite Italian dressing, 2 Triscuits with shrimp ball spread (this was from 4:30 to 9:30 - not just at one sitting)
Oh well, it was my first really big cheat day in 8-1/2 months and still down a lb this morning so I' not too upset over losing self control - I'll just keep working at it.
Have a good day.
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/06 1:26 am - MT
on 2/6/06 1:26 am - MT
Yeah well we are always going to have these times as we are human and like all people we at times eat to much but now since the surgery we know that we HAVE to get right back on track. We do that now, where before I know I would have kept it up the WHOLE week and then some
I look at things like this, thin people overeat but they know to get right back on track, something we couldn't do before but since we have this tool it sure helps us. They don't go and throw away their whole way of healthy eating just because they had a day of bad eating but I know for myself I would have in the past!
I am not sure if I was able to write down what I mean so I hope this makes sense to you.
Take care
Debra P

Thanks so much for your response - it does make sense - and you are so right - if this was before WLS I'd be eating all the left-overs or would have bought extra stuff so there was left-overs. I knew I was eating alot of the wrong things yesterday but almost didn't care because I knew I couldn't eat alot like I used to because my pouch wouldn't allow it. I got right back on track this morning and feel good that I had the willpower to do so. One bad day no longer means a bad week or month. One step at a time.
Again, thanks for making me think.
Enjoy your day.
One advantage of posting later is that the workday is over
Protein drink
B 4 oz ff,sf yogurt, 1 tbs peanut butter
L 6 oz ff,sf yogurt, 1 oz cheddar cheese
S 1 dorito
D 6 Nachos with beef, refried beans, a taste of sour cream & tomatoes
S sf hot chocolate.
well, tomorrow is my 2nd endoscopy with dilation. I hope that it will solve my sticking problems...
I'll let you know tomorrow evening...

(deactivated member)
on 2/6/06 9:09 pm - MT
on 2/6/06 9:09 pm - MT
Well today is your scope, I hope all goes well and please post to let us know when you get back.... ~Hugs~
I will be thinking of you today. 
Debra P

Congrats Deb,
Sounds like it will be soon!!!
I had a messed up day yesterday. Forgot to eat breakfast so here goes
B- coffee
L- tuna salad and cottage cheese 1/4 cup each
S- cheese crackers
D- super bowl topping of one square slice of pizza and 2 hot wings
S- 1 slice of pizza and 1 wing
did get in lots of water, tried the grape propel, LOVE IT.
Shannon Arnold
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/06 9:10 pm - MT
on 2/6/06 9:10 pm - MT
Thanks hun...
not soon enough, man we are so excited and just want to get this going.
I HATE the wait...
Take care
Debra P

I find this thread always very interesting (if that is the right word for it).
I know what I eat/ate/could eat/chose to eat along my journey varied greatly as I learned my limits/how to use my tool, listened to others pitfalls/successes. I realize there is no PERFECTION; I shoot for progress not perfection. I TRULY believe and speak to the 90/10% rule. IT is what you do 90% of the time that matters! With that said in my support group last night we had a 2 hour round table discussion, moderated by myself on just this topic, with many longer term postops (all RNY bypassers) on the erosion of the principles of the tool, on the HONEYMOON period (and how it is over and sadness of reality and how it lulls us into thinking it will be this way forever, how we can 'get away with' just about anything postop for say 9months +/-)...How wt loss postop differs so much (age/ht/wt beginning/meds/comorbidities, BUT the things we can modify or influence like food amounts/choices and exercise) How if I eat 100cal more than you a day over my journey of a yr that is a significant amount of wt I won't lose vs. you! How if I exercise daily and u don't how that influences things.... Why am I rambling? Well I am not perfect again, my opinions are JUST THAT my opinions, based on my journey of 3.5 yrs & being online listening to others.... I see the slippery slope, I see the pitfalls, like a parent I do not want others to make the mistakes or have the struggles I (or others) have had. BUT just like a parent/child relationship I realize children (newbies) have to learn for themselves, even if it means struggling, not losing all they could of, regaining (up to all the wt as it can be done and it is common they say to regain 10% well I believe that number is MUCH higher but that is for another days discussion).....We don't see long-term postops much, why is that? Well some are successful, go on living their lives and forget the newbies, but many many others are isolating as they are struggling w/ regain, the shame keeps them in hiding, they feel like failures. The regain becomes 10# then 25# then 50#!!! I see it all too common, those that dare to come out and discuss (rarely at an in person group w/ all the newbies losing like wildfire) but online like on the yahoo grad board or my off-track group they pop out and they discuss "I wish I had don't this or that different, I wish I would have listened, my old habits came back, I am still emotionally eating, making poor choices, carbs seem to get to people, not filling, making them hungry leading to grazing, eating non nutritious foods (no protein/veggies/fruit). Those that believed certain foods were good for them find out differently (protein bars for instance the glorified candy bar! *in my opinion) not ID triggers as in the beginning 1 cookie didn't make u dump or filled u, now a box isn't enough!
Dumping is not guaranteed (only 50-75% rnyers get it) and farther out u get the less it happens sad but true. It is based on how body reacts w/ sugar and is a quantity issue sometimes like 1 Oreo wont make u dump 2 may so do u do 1? M&Ms may not make u dump but a milky way might. Do u want to know I ask? The fear of not dumping is how I work it. I don't know if I do/don't and I like it that way (so far so good)Those that test it out desensitize selves so slowly nothing bothers them! YIKES I say. I am not picking on anyone but to give examples a cup of popcorn is a good thing in beginning, but I know of people eating bags (laden later w/ butter etc) daily! Extreme perhaps, but those 3 crackers w/ PB or tuna filled early and now the sleeve won't. Carbs take up no space and don't fill/satisfy, they are NEVER malabsorbed (as protein/fats are) as digestion happens in the mouth w/ saliva!
Grazing is another thing the small amounts become more and more now we are eating many meals not snacks a day. Drinking calories (milk for instance) becomes a slippery slope or the starbucks frappes! People are doing it. It all starts out innocently enough! Then it wont 'happen to me mentality' runs strong (I had it too u know!)The statements like 50# gone forever, is one I shudder at, it is possible but not a given w/o dedication and healthy choices. Not using the tool by eating/drinking together, eating slider foods (soup, cereal/milk etc) don't fill just go thru the tool we have a funnel, to make it work forever learning early to fill it w/ protein first (plug it) and add veggies/fruit after eating carbs ONLY if room later on...will help us lose all we can and maintain. NOT to say u can't have a carb now and again, they aren't evil in fact good carbs are good...but meals mainly consisting of them just aren't the best (IMHO again)....
Learn about your body, can u do what your doing forever? Are u eating REAL foods? Where are your veggies? Fruits? Lean meats? Living on protein bars? Living on shakes? I believe protein shakes are a supplement in addition to food. I do 2 a day myself, strategically placed for hunger management. Change is inevitable, struggle is optional. I have rambled enough, I do 10% of the time eat a slice of pizza, I could eat 2 if I wait long enough, those that eat, wait can eat again, that funnel empties making room at the top! So my choice is to do it or not, I have eaten a whole sausage/egg/cheese biscuit at mcds, yikes! 550 cal not much nutrition, but not daily or even weekly, maybe 1x month. same w/ bread, I may do panera 1x month, I do soup occasionally but not as a rule....Keeping self in check all the time, like humm am I eating this way a lot of not? In the beginning 1-2T food filled me I can now eat a cup or so (normal) depends on what that cup is how much it weighs etc)....Days differ on how much I can eat etc too. Fluid loading helps me feel full/satisfied if I don't do it I am hungrier, an experiment I have done over and over, again my choice..
Here is my typical 90% of the time day, I could just repeat it daily as I am a creature of habit the type of protein /veggies vary is all. I found my calorie in/out zone so far for me.. it is about 1500cal day and 10 hrs at the gym a week (6 hrs cardio). Excessive? maybe , but it s my balance....what works for me to maintain at 3.5 yrs w/i 5# or so of my lowest. I hope to be successful at 5 yrs out. that is my goal. I now understand it is in my control what I do, I realize this is not magic, it is not easy, I have never maintained it is HARD work, losing is far easier I have more experience w/ that than maintaining!
B: 5am whey protein shake w/ 3frozen berries, 5 ice cubes, 6 oz water 1 scoop predigested PVL whey gourmet in magic bullet w/ 2-4T sf syrup (flavor varies) w/ 1T flaxseed ground (needed for constipation) 1 scoop upcald calcium citrate powder
decaf tea 40 oz (2 large 20 ozer cups) 3 splenda 1/4 c soy slender milk (vanilla flavor) in each cup
4 cups water at gym 1 multivit (centrum generic at walmart 2 calcium citrate (citrical 500mg total), 1 colace stool softener
8am Mid Morning meal: 6-8 oz lo carb yog (either 2 dannon or 1 bluebunny) I do mix lean protein bites at times (PB or lemon) for crunch. or 1/4c Kashi go lean cereal will do also
usually 2-4 cups diet koolaid or crystal lite or water in between (I drink up to a meal usually waiting 1-2 hrs after a meal to drink, I can drink 4 cups water in 15 in if I pu****) with another dose of calcium 500mg citrical and 2nd stool softener
12:30pm Lunch: 2-3c spring mix/spinach/romaine lettuces, broccosprouts, 1 radish, 1/4 avocado sliced, 3 cuke slices, few broccoli florets, carrot matchsticks sprinkled on, w/: 2T sunflower seeds or sliced almonds, 1T flaxseed ground.
protein is either 3-4 oz grilled chicken/salmon/shrimp or a packet of chuncklight tuna and 1/2 HB egg
2T salad dressing such as Blue cheese, my own vinaigrette or jalapeno ranch (lighthouse brand)
SOUNDS Large but the visualization helps me feel satisfied, and I get full on it to, lots of chewing which is great! and all those veggies! maybe diet jello/dollop coolwhip.
3pm 1 sm golden delicious apple w/ PB 1T or 2 oz cheese
5pm begin drinking either more decaf tea or water of koolaid on way home w/ iron/vitc (not if taking tea due to absorption)
6:30pm maybe 1T nuts while preping dinner, or not most likely. dinner is 4-5 oz meat (fish/shrimp/lobster/lamb/chicken/turkey/ground beef etc) and either 2 veggies like broccoli/green beans 1/4 ea or mashed rutabaga or mashed sweet tater or mashed cauliflower w/ cream cheese like mock taters.. as a carby side... I make ahead and freeze individual containers.
8pm protein shake#2 like above
Do I go out? Sure I can eat 1 slice pizza, 1/2 of most meals, don't eat pasta/rice as swells and makes me uncomfortable just as well haven't missed it in this long!, whole mcds chicken salad usually, (Id rather make my own!), I do dabble in some fried things but slippery slope again, so few FF 1-2x mo is ok....
Balance is hard, finding your own balance while utilizing your tool which is forever changing is challenging not impossible. The right frame of mind helps and may be the hardest thing to develop.
We all know they operated on the gut not the brain, but we can change the brain however slowly!
I have rambled long enough. Again, it is said out of caring love and I wish u all well! My 2cents (or more like million bucks? LOL) what works for me is all! w/ my body/ my issues!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/06 7:51 pm - MT
on 2/6/06 7:51 pm - MT
Thanks and you are right YOUR body, YOUR opinins! We all need to find out what works for US. It is called learning....
Debra P