I am chiming in toolate, but this happend to me with a calcium citrate pill about 4 wk out. It was TWO HOURS of agony, finally warm tea made me vomit it up. I guess fluids to either help it pass or make it come up. The tender pouch may be irritated for a few days, many go to warm liquids for a day then up to softs etc. Be well! BUT also watch if it starts happening with other things (food/fluid) because that isn't normal ok!
Thanks Jamie, I'm finally OK after a little over 24 hours! Yikes! I drank lots of warm tea and decaff coffee over the course of the day (PLUS WATER) but that darn pill must have been holding on for dear life! At least I know to avoid stuff that big and probably need to stay away from anything "enteric coated"
-- those bad boys do NOT want to dissolve! I probably should have found out about the effect on those tablets on the pouch before I bought them.
It's a learning process for me.