Lost 4 lbs in one week ..........................
It is so nice to see your pretty face again ! Thanks for all the support you have given to me right from the beginning ! I really appreciate it !
I am doing great and I owe alot to the people on this board as they have been such a great support and inspiration to me to get this far !
I am going to hold you too that promise of it getting easier !
It is very hard , but I am determined ! After all , If I don't lose the 10% that doc Lirio requires then there will be no surgery for me !
You know that ! He does not mess around !
I am glad to hear that you are doing so well !
Being happy and healthy are the best things that life can bring !
I am sorry to hear that you are frusterated with those last 5-10 lbs. but hang in there I know you will get there !
You look really great.....GIRL !!!
Well Karry, don't be such a stranger ! Drop me an email from time to time !
I miss chatting with you !
Take Care and Thanks again !