OT car reck
Hello everyone
just wanted to come by and let you all know that I haven't forgotten about you.....ths year just has not started out to well for me......my cars transmission went three weeks ago so I just got it out of the shop and I parked it by my house and one car ran the light while the other had the right of way cause them to smash into each other and flipping over and spinning and jumped the side walk and then landed on top of my car while the other spinned around twice smashing the back of my car.....so here I am standing there and looking at all of this and was like this can't be happening what did I do that things like this are happening.....well I was thankful that my kids were in the house and not in the car.......so everyone is ok.....except for my car....it was towed away as the guy asked me do you mind if I move the car......I can see the other car on top of it was gonna fall....so I had to add some humor to and and said yes you can move it but please don't scratch it
....it was better than crying .... they told me the insurance would pay for a rental and they set me up with the rental.....I got it the next day....I had to lose two days of work with this.....Iwas running around trying to get the police reports and get in touch with the insurance company......but guess what....the insurance company said they only allocated $20,000. to the whole accident so they wouldn't be paying for the rental....so now I had to take the rental back cause I can't afford $100.00 day for a rental....that's not in my budget....and I am with out a car....so now with all this I keep forgetting to do things or pick up things and I can't remember what I ate......I know it's just stress and it will pass......but it's amazing how someones carelessness can make you suffer......not that this guy just ran the red light but there was a car in front of him so he went around him to run the red light....
I always say I'm not in a rush to get anywhere cause I know I will get there......I don't know what everyone is rushing to,.....or for what....my house will still be there when I get home so will my chores.....
I have to try and find some humor in this some where but ........oh I forgot what I was saying....
thanks for letting me vent....
have a wonderful day.....

I don't think they can do that. What insurance company is this and who's insurance company. If the other guy's insurance won't cover it, then yours might, if you have rental coverage, but I believe the other guy's insurance has to cover your rental and the repairs to your car.
Don't let them get away with that crap.
(deactivated member)
on 2/2/06 1:03 am - MT
on 2/2/06 1:03 am - MT
OMG hun I am so glad you were NOT in the car with the kids ~Hugs~ I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
I have to agree with Joanne, do not let them do that to you......They have to pay for the rental if you have that on your plan. Also since it was not your fault they SHOULD work with you but the sad thing is you have to FIGHT for what you get EVEN though you pay your insurance! I hate them companies.
Well hun take a DEEP breath and try to get yourself de-stressed, I know that is so much easier said then done. If you have the time give me a call at work...~hugs~ Do you still have my numbers?
Take care 

Debra P

Hi Christine,
I am so sorry that you had to endure all of this ! My heart goes out to you .....girl !
I am however very happy that you or your family were not in the car and did'nt get hurt physically by this unfortunate event !
Sometimes life can really deliver us some hard blows ! Believe me I am one of those people that it has delivered many of them to !
I know it is hard to cope but it is nice to see that you are able to find humor through all this !
That just goes to show what a great , strong person you are !
I say the same thing all the time ..." Where the hell is everybody rushing too !"
Everyone needs to just slow down a bit wherever they are goin will still be there if they are a few min. late ...Ya know ?
Better to be late then not ever get there at all !
I would look into your ins. about them paying for the rental . It seems to me that the person or person's at fault ins. should be paying for the rental and repair's to your vehicle.
Whatever you do don't give up ! You are the victim in all this , you should not have to pay for any of this !
It is bad enough that you have to suffer emotionally !
Well ~hun~ I hope all turns out for the best for you and your family !
Hang in there !

New York is a NO FAULT state - talk to your insurance carrier and ask them if they can help you with this, because the at fault insurance carrier is refusing to pay for the damages. YOUR carrier will have their attorney handle it. [Thats what I do for a living: your carrier calls our office and says My insured was in a wreck, please handle].