What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 1/30/06 9:07 pm - MT
on 1/30/06 9:07 pm - MT
Hello All ~Hugs~
Good morning
It is going to be a rainy day with some light snow at the end of the storm so they say, we will see. I am glad that the major ground snow is gone for now. Kind of gives me hope that there will be a Spring.
Well what I had yesterday:
B- 3 1/2 oz cottage cheese with 3 fresh strawberries
S- String cheese, 1/2 cup popcorn
L- 3 oz grilled chicken breasts, cucs
S- 12 grapes, stallone pudding
D- 1/2 cup homemade turkey chili, some watermellon
OK that is it, you all have a great day!
We are still waiting on the loan approval and I called them yesterday to make sure all is ok and they said yes, we should hear something in 2 weeks so waiting is the game once again.
I am feeling like I did when I was waiting for my Ins Approval for surgery, just cant stop thinking of it ALL DAY LONG! I try to keep my mind on what I am doing but it just does not work.
O well.......
Take care
Debra P

Good morning Deb;
Well, here in Niagara Falls its rainy as well. Snow will not fall until Sunday they say. I hope for no snow.
B-1/2c cottage cheese with some carb sf yogurt
L-1/2c egg salad made with ff miracle whip
D-2oz melt in mouth pot roast, califlower
s-protein shake
I got in 40 oz of water, not good, but I did get all vitiamins in.
Everyone have a great day.
(deactivated member)
on 1/30/06 10:05 pm - MT
on 1/30/06 10:05 pm - MT
Yeah we can both hope for NO SNOW.
I am done with it this year.
Take care
Debra P

Goodmorning! Sorry i didnt post yesturday but with the spring like weather we had i was up and out by 9am with the kiddies and we spent most of the day outside.....Now the rain
Oh well. I hate the way this weather makes me feel.
S-coffee with protien powder
L-1/4 of a quesadilla
D-1/2 slice of pizza
Treadmill for 30 min. I went to the Ranger Game last night with my 14 year old son. They lost but i had such a great time. I do have to admit that i was very tempted to buy a hotdog but i resisted. I had some popcorn instead. It felt nice to focus on the game instead of the food....Oh and it was such a good day to be outside. I saw alot of people who i have not seen since the summer and i got so many compliments on how good i look. I felt like i was in high school again....Men are actually looking at me!!! It feels so good. Have a great day.

(deactivated member)
on 1/30/06 10:40 pm - MT
on 1/30/06 10:40 pm - MT
Hun I am glad you had a great day yesterday and we miss seeing your post. ~hugs~ I know the rainy days stink but at least it is NOT snow.
Well you did good at the game and I know what you mean about your focus on the food, you know all those places have only bad stuff but the popcorn was a great choice
Take care, have a great day!
Debra P

Hi Deb.
It's been really busy here at work so I haven't been posting must in the last couple of weeks. I like to be busy, but this is just a little too much.
It's not raining or snowing here today but I'm afraid it's coming - we're all wishing for spring but it's only January.
B - Carnation Instant Breakfast
S - 1/2 Devour protein bar
L - Beef vegetable soup
S - 1/2 Devour protein bar
D - Italian sausage w/baked ziti (got enough left for about 4 more meals)
S - Ff pretzels w/little peanut butter
Have a great night.
310/218/??? (yeah, I finally dropped 2 more lbs - been plateauing for a couple of weeks)
(deactivated member)
on 1/31/06 4:36 am - MT
on 1/31/06 4:36 am - MT
Good to see ya hun.. ~Hugs~ Yeah to busy is not good.
I know I like to be busy at work but over busy makes me stress and we know I do not need any more of that RIGHT now.
Well take care hun ~Hugs~
Debra P

pre-B protein drink
B 4 oz carb control yogurt, 1/2 string cheese
L 1/2 string cheese, 1 tbs tuna with lite mayo on 1 wheat cracker
S SF popsicle
D Ate the top off of 1/2 southbeach pepperoni pizza
S SF fudgesicle, SF popsicle
TREEEmendous hot flashes today
they really kill an appetite, not that mine is that big these days...Thank God for cold popsicles and fudgicles!!!!