Anyone up?
I am usually up 4-430am weekdays (because I go to the gym in am before work), today being a Gov't observed Holiday I slept in to 6AM (*YAHOO!!!!!!!)
..But I am sure u have left already! Have a great day!
Protein firs****er, Exercise, No grazing...shall be our 2006 Mantra!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Wow how awesome that you get up that early to go to the gym!
I wish I were a morning person! Although right now with my boys still being in elementary school, I couldn't leave the house that early anyway, but it would be nice if I could work out early in the morning and get it over with!
P.S. Love your quote by the way!

I'm off today and I'm being lazy and laying in bed and reading the boards on my laptop.
The kids are still sleeping and I love this quiet time of the morning. Tomorrow it's back to work for me and back to school for them!
But I'm headed to the gym in a couple of hours. I want to get there before this next storm hits!
Have a good day at work!

Hey Linda/Violet
Glad you like the quote, I change my motivational quotes from time to time...others I love are:
"Progress not Perfection", and "In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity"
OH I almost forgot a new one I post in my office "Change is inevitable, struggle is optional!".
Yes I am committed to exercise daily, it is my key to mental/physical health and success so far at 3 yrs out of WLS. I do cardio 7 days a week 45-60 min and 4 days strength/wts. I can go to the gym FREE (My husbands employer has it!) I find early am works for me, or it doesnt get done! I used to walk 2 miles a day and go to curves 6days a week but that got old by 2 yrs...I needed more to tone/firm!
I am a psych Nurse Practitioner and try to be an example for my patients! (doing a healthy lifestyle).
Husband goes with me and has lost 35 # in 6 mo or so...He had gained 50# over 3 yrs I lost with WLS! (he was eating my leftovers etc and I think I was buying treats for him and living through him?) We ID that and have stopped for the most part!
So all in all I do gym 60 min 4-5x week and 2 hrs 2-3x week. I LOVE IT(yeah I cam crazy huh!) BUT it is the key for me I beleive. I do not have kids so I don't have to consider that. I work 9 hr days (9 shifts q2 weeks) and have a small provate practice also 2 sat a month seeing preop/postop WLsers! I love it keeps me fresh and on target. I also run various online and one inperson support group in Saratoga Monthly. I beleive support also (taking/giving) helps keep us successful and on track!
Humm what about a storm? I will have to check news, we are going to gym soon, DH just got up! Have a great day, sorry I rambled!!!
Yes I am back to work tomorrow also!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Wow small world!
I have worked in psych since 1993, (became Assoc degree RN in 1992). Got BSN in 2000 (tookme one class at a time for 8 yrs at Sage in Troy NY!) then went FT for masters degree (at Sage also) became Psych NP in 2002. I LOVE IT! I am not sure your age, but I am 33 now. I don't think we need to GO TO THE GYM per se 7x week, I beleive we need to add exercise though almost daily.. oR activity of some sort to our lives. I happen to find driving to the gym w/ bag packed motivating vs ahh I will sleep in today and not walk on my home treamill.....It is the going that motivates me I guess. We alldo what we can, but exercise was never part of my life and I know it was a downfall to my lack of maintenance before when I lost 100# (3x previous to WLS)...If 3x week owrks for someone great, I just see it as beneficial to my stress relief. For instance I didnt go yesterday no big deal but that isnt my norn, If I dont go 2x month that is my norm. Plastics were a struggle not exercising for a month each time! (after 6/2004 Lower bodylift/breast aug and 11/05 thigh lipo) more on a n emotional level and worry about wt gain. I did ok but I stillmissed it! It is a whole cognitive shift for me I beleive. It helped me lose all my excess also I beleive, rid my HTN and hyperlipidemia! (and hopefully decrease my risk of DM which is strongly linked in my family!).
HUGS! Success to you!
PSWhen did u have surgery?
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"