Pre- Op Testing !
Hi everyone
I have been really busy lately so I have not had a chance to post but I do read the board daily . It looks like we have a quite a few new poster's to the NY board ...Ayyy? Well I thought I would say "Hi" to everyone and let you know where I am in my journey .
I posted before that I may have to get another colonoscopy done and was so hoping that my surgeon would not make me do it as I just had one a year ago ! Well , I have to get it !
I am scheduled for January 5,2006 . I am not looking forward to this at all as the last one I got so sick with not to mention raw sore on my behind ! So much so that I cried !
So now I have to go through it all over again !
I am also getting a endoscope done on January 11,2006 . I am a little nervous about that but after all of your support hear and reading about this procedure , I am okay with it !
I have had all my other testing done and all seems good . I do have one last appt. with the pulmonologist on January 4, 2006 to go over my pulumonary test results and get clearence for surgery.
Then I am all done with pre op testing ! Yeah !!!!!!
I start Medifast on January 25 and stay on that for 8 weeks !
Then my big day finally arrives !
I can't wait ! I have put on a quite a bit of weight as I have been eating everything that I know I won't be having for a long time so I am actually looking forward to going on the Medifast , Believe it or not !
Well that is about it ! I hope everyone had a nice Christmas! I know I did !
I wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year !
Talk to you later !

Tavia V
on 12/31/05 2:10 am - Long Island, NY
on 12/31/05 2:10 am - Long Island, NY
You really do not "go under" ( I am assuming you are taking about general) they give you something called twilight, which is nothing.
I am assuming most GI doctors do not want to do both of those prodcures on a patient at the same time b/c its a bit much.
Correct, its just as affective as general (I did not remember a thing), but there is not any of thatnasty nausea afterward. I swear that I had a colonoscopy and Endoscopy at the same time. It was absolutely a pice of cake. I did not remember a thing, there was no pain at all and I only went through it once, a sinch!

Kenny ,
That is a good suggestion but as Tavia said my doc won't do it all at once ! I wish he would ! He offered the procedures back to back on two different days but I said I would rather recover from the colonoscopy before geting the scope done !
Actually it isn't the procedure itself that is got me so upset, it is the prep you have to do before it !
You know what I mean ! The procedure is painless with the drugs your given but the effects from the watery stools and that crap you have to drink is very painful at least in my case it was !
I will get through it though , I guess I have too....Right?
Thanks for the support !

Tavia V
on 12/31/05 2:19 am - Long Island, NY
on 12/31/05 2:19 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Carol!!
I was just thinking of you the other day, wondering how everything was going! How is the baby? When is the other one coming again?
Anyway, sorry to hear about the colonscopy but just get it over w/if you need to get it done, you know? Ugh, you are braver than me! I am so not in the mood for that right now. Maybe when everything is said and done w/me. I know how much that test "stinks"
but you have to do what you have to do.
Endoscopies are really nothing. You take a little nap and all of a sudden its over. You kind of get the feeling like you were abducted by aliens b/c you get a sense like something was stuck down you but you do not know what and where and by whom. heehee. But no pain or anything. It's like "uh, what happened?"
Wow you have to do the Medifast for awhile, good luck with that! Keep me updated on you and take care! Happy new year to you too!!!


Hi there Tavia !
I always love to hear from you , Girl !!!! Well my little grandbaby girl is doing great and my next expected grandbaby boy is due January 19 th !
My lovely young daughter will sure have her hands full with her little girl being 11 months old and having a new born !
As far as the colononscopy goes , it is far from brave ...if I could weezzle out of it I would , Let me tell ya !
Just thinking about it makes me want to
Thanks for the reassurance on the endoscope ! I liked the way you explained it too me ! You are so funny
I will be so happy when it is all done and I am just focusing on losing the weight with the Medifast !
Well Tavia, Happy New Year !
I'll keep in touch !

Hi! I start Medifast this Friday and like you kind of can't wait. I totally overate this holiday season--you know the whole "last meal" syndrome. Good luck with the colonoscopy in Jan...I had mine in November and I can't say it was fun-I just kept thinking that each test I completed brought me one step closer to my surgery. Good luck and stay positive!!
Nice to see someone here that is basically going to the same Doc's as I am ! I would have chosen Dr. Clarke as well but after careful consideration and a whole lot of research I went with Dr. Lirio as he has been doing the open procedure for over 25 years and I really liked that idea ! But Dr. Clarke is just as wonderful and competent ! So I hear !
I don't have twins to take care of so open procedure will be okay for me !
I read you profile and things moved along much faster for you then they did me .
Are your twins both boy's or both girl's ? Boy & Girl ? How old are they ?
I am sure they keep you moving ...Hugh?
Let me know how your making out with the medifast and everything !
I feel the same as you do about getting these test done and getting close to surgery!
I will try and stay positive ! Thanks for the support and Good Luck to you !
Email me if you like and we can keep in touch on each others progress !
Happy New Year !