Wouldn't Change A Thing
I had my last monthly visit with my surgeon last week. I can't believe that it has been a year since my surgery. The changes that I have experienced within this past year are unbelievable, and I don't just mean my weight, I mean my overall confidence level has increased, my outlook on life has improved, and my new favorite colour is pink. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that this would be a favorite colour. As I have mentioned before, my husband and children are healthier as a result of my WLS. t is so amazing to see how we have all taken on a healthier lifestyle, them Tae Kwon Do 3x a week, me on the treadmill 6-7 days a week and 5-6 on the Total Gym 

I'm also enjoying the compliments that I have been receiving, and it is so much fun when people don't recognize me, which has been happening a lot lately.
Finally, once again I must thank Dr.Garber and his staff for all that they have done for me. I have received nothing but courteous, considerate and professional care from day one. It is great to receive praise and compliments from your surgeon and his partner, and it was especially nice when Donna his PA called me skinny ( an adjective that has never been used to describe me) when I was there on 10/6. I have said it befire and I will probably say it a thousand more times, if I had to make this decison again I would gladly do it again, and would not change a thing

I agree totally
with you--I just had my surgery Sept. 28th, and I am a lot closer to the pain of surgery
--But I feel really good ,and I am really happy that I got so many pointers from everyone on these boards.
I see that my journey will be a good one--I am looking forward to a healthier and a happier life for me and my family. I think you look great in pink, by the way!
I am looking forward to getting into clothes that aren't dark and drab too.
I think that I will be very happy in a year from now--and your testamony is an inspiration!
Be Blessed
Marisn S.C.

I am seriously considering the lap band surgery, my weight is high, my knees hurt and it is tough to workout, my pressure also seems to be getting high, but I am nervous as hell about this surgery and the risks do you have any suggestions?? And by the way I am very happ for all of you who have had the surgery and is doing well!! Dee