One Week Out - REPOST from Main Board
Hello, my AMOS family -
All in all my lap RNY went well. The first 48 hrs were very tough, but thanks to the advice here I did indeed walk at every opportunity. I also used the deep breathing practice "toy" a lot - I really needed it.
Every day is better, I take a less pain meds every day. I definitely am not on the "Wow, did I have surgery?" bus or the "Never took a pain med once I got home" bus, but it is doable and getting better all the time.
Am managing to get my water in, and most of my protein. I am grateful for all the good advice regarding how to get up on your left side, to walk, walk, walk, and so much more. I have missed being on the boards.
Just wanted to say "Hello, from the losing side", and let you know I came through it well.
Nighty night.
Mary Mc
Glad your home and nice to see ya posting !! We miss you too !
Just get your
and follow your doc's orders and you will be up to par in no time ! Hopefully I will still feel that way about it when I actually have my surgery!
Seriously though we do miss you and it sounds as though you are doing well!
Take Care....

Wishing you all the best on your big day, Carol! Just want you to know, like you've heard from so many others, you will not believe the difference a week will make. I've been completely off pain meds since Friday a.m., and doing fine.
I was so happy I'd found this site the first time I got up to wal****pt thinking "they said the first time's the toughest and every time will get easier." All true!
Good luck, and see you on the losing side!
Hi Mary,
Well, we made it!--my surgery was the 28th!
I agree that it was a doable experience--not a piece of cake--but I did feel better once they took the morphine away and gave me the tylenol 3.
I am only two days ahead of you and I am feeling pretty good--You are right though--I am very glad that I had so much good advice from everyone on this board.
Remember, we MUST eat that protein (don't want our hair falling out!!)
I am having the same fight to eat my quota each day--I am not physically hungry--but I do think about food (head Hunger).
I would love something besides the shakes and the pudding and jello--I never thouhgt that I would say this--but I am sick and tired of sweet stuff!
I would love a cheese omlet and a salad!
Oh well --I get my staples out onMonday --maybe I will be allowed to eat some real food then.
Be Blessed and feel better!
Marian S.C.