Missed my AMOS Family today!
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/05 10:10 pm - MT
on 10/6/05 10:10 pm - MT
Hun look for a curl activator liquid, it really does help right now...
I have to condition it every time now so I am not pulling out my hair when I comb it....
I will look at them hun and I have some up there as well. I just did them the beginning of the week, tue I think.
Take care
Debra P

Hi Deb,
Glad to see your back and that everything is okay. We sure did miss you though yesterday.
I just wanted to comment on the hair thinning thing - I think I'm fairly close time wise to you and Lisa and I just started losing hair about two weeks ago. What is it that you are using to help the problem? My hairdresser said to try not to wash my hair every day, so I'm now doing that but I have thin hair to start with. I know everyone says that it will get better and grow back but in the meantime what do we do? I know this is just a small setback but it is scary to see all the hair in my comb and sink.
Well, I'll let you go. Again, glad you're back with us.
(deactivated member)
on 10/7/05 4:57 am - MT
on 10/7/05 4:57 am - MT
I do not use special products but I did find that keeping my hair curly really helps, I have to scrunch it more since it is thinning but I use the 411 hair activator on it and I got some mouse from "Sammy" that is light and adds body so I will have to let you know when I get into the new mouse, the 411 I use now and I love it. I can not wa**** everyday myself or else I will have none left.
Mine was fine to begin with also....
Take care hun ~Hugs~
Debra P