had to postpone surgery
I cannot beleive this...I was all set to have my surgery today, and last night I came down with such a bad chest cold,chills and fever. I had to call the Dr.'s answering service to have him call me. When he heard the hoarsness in my chest he said forget it. So now I have to postpone it for a month. I am so bummed...I can't believe this happened. I just wanted you to know, there were so many of you that were so supportive. We'll have to try again next month.

SORRY TO hear you got so ill before your surgery.
YOUR new date will come fast im sure.
I know its hard. I had to move my origianl
booked date out a week....so i know how it feels
DONT worry we will keep your seat waiting on the other
side and hang in there and be strong.