getting a little Antsy!!! Surgery Wednesday!!
Yes, I am getting just a little anxious.
I am reading so many stories --some good --some bad.
I am going for my final consultation and final clearance on 9/26. I am praying that I have done everything correctly .
The two week Pre-op Liquid diet was not easy --but I am sticking to it!
I have lost 12 lbs since I started.
And I have completed all the Pre Surgical Tests. I am getting everything ready for my hospital stay.
I am not crazy about the thought of a cathiter or of the intreveneous tubes etc., The fact of the matter is that I have NEVER had surgery of any kind --so I don't exactly know what to expect.
Well ,I could use LOTS of prayers
and well wishes
right about now--and any words of wisdom would help too
Wish me well!
Marian S.C.
Surgery 9/28/05

It's totally normal to get a little antsy this close to your surgery date. We have all been there! It sounds like you are on the right track and I'm sure everything will go just right! You will definately be in my thoughts and prayers.
Lap DS 3-16-05 w/ Dr. Gagner
down 101 lbs!!! 276/175/140
Proud Member of The Century Club!
...And it just keeps getting better!
Her Grace, Countess of Tude (Attitude), Mor (Humor), Pathy (Empathy) and Tory (Victory).
May God Bless every path you put your feet to

It is natural to feel anxious now - you are so close to your date! I never had surgery before my RNY and surprisingly nothing was as bad as I thought it might be. I didn't really notice the catheter while it was in. I was told it would be uncomfortable when they took it out - but it didn't bother me at all.
You will do fine! Just follow everything your surgeon's office tells you. Best of luck for a speedy recovery.
Thank you for your well wishes and your prayers. I haven't had any surgery since I had my tonsils out--and I don't remember that very well--I was three years old--The only thing I do recall is, that for several years afterward , the smell of cabbage reminded me of the ether that they used then.
I am reading many messages and getting lots of good advise--like --walk as much as possible , and take my meds as needed, and sip , sip, sip, so that I don't become dehydrated.any other advise would be appreciated.
And I do feel pretty confident --it's just that I have no experience in this area(surgery). Thanks again!
for all the good input!
Marian S.C.

Best of luck to you on Wednesday. I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't worry about the cathater (I was worried too but didn't feel a thing when they took it out). Are you having lap or open? I had open and was very surprised at how little pain I had (of course the morphine drip worked great)
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and will be waiting to hear from you after surgery.
Welcome to the losing side. It's great.