Your support and encouragement is graciously accepted. Without all of you on the board, I would have given up in March!! I know they may request another month as my surgeon doesn't think they will accept March of this year with my PCP because it was the first meeting. I should have had my PCP send information from our meeting in December of 04, which is when we actually spoke about weight loss and the surgery.
If they do not accept March info, I already have appointments scheduled for June with the PCP and Nutritionist. I am also working with the trainer @ Arnot Ogden in June.
You also have a great loooong weekend.
Brenda Sweetie you are always in my thoughts and prayers, I will be keeping my finger, toes and anything else I can corss for you.....that you will get the answer we have been waiting so long to hear.....
I was denied several times, and the last time the paper work was submitted I never got a response from the insurance company, so that was how I got my approval....on that little technaicality...
Wishing you the best {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}so glad to see you post...
You are my inspiration and your words of encouragement and support mean so much to me.
My surgeon called and he is concerned that Aetna may refuse to accept my March appointments, but I was told that I had to see them 3x each. If Aetna does not accept March, then I already have appointments in June, which I am keeping.
Maybe if I don't bug them, they will not respond in 15 days and I can do the same. Wouldn't that be wonderful???
You and everyone on this board keeps me going forward. Thank you ALL!!
Have a wonderful, fantastic looooooong weekend.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
I was so happy to your post today Brenda and glad you are in control and have already taken the steps for the next appointment and didn't wait to do it...you are really moving forward in your journey hun..
Thank you for all your kind words, you to have been very encouraging.....
it would be great if they didn't respond then the worrying would be over, the only thing with that is that they set the date for you to have surgery and don't give you enough time to get ready, so you just have to go and have the surgery.....or your back to square one....you know what I mean...but I am so happy that you are now starting to fight the good fight and not let them stop you....I have a really good feeling about this with you and I know you will be on the losing side.
Please let us know the mintue you hear something we are sitting on pins and needles with you in the waiting game...