Call from surgeons office
Hello all
Today I got a call from my surgeons office. the nurse said friday a policy change came out on Preffered Care and i needed to call members services and find out what it was. SO i called and try to get the guy she told me to talk too, well he was out of the office, of course!! So I got the operator back on the line and she put me through to a rep, he said no new policies are in affect. I am so confused!!!!!! I want that man to call me back Anyone have preffered care and know what the heck she was talking about?
I asked Mary what the changes were and she did not know, WHY????? I would think she would know, maybe not. I am kinda afraid that my hopes of this WLS and all the work I have been doing to get this process going will be in vein.
thanks for listening
Hang on Tammy, don't get yourself all upset....((((((HUG)))))I know it's frustrating but you can't just throw it all in over this phone call. You have come way to far for that!!! It's annoying, I know, to talk to people who have no clue what your talking about. Don't get yourself down...take a deep breath and call back and talk to the guy you need to talk too. Keep me posted.
311/197/167 goal
Hello Karry
Thank you for your post, I feel about now. I have called the insurance company, the surgeons, the insurance company, the surgeons. No one knows anything. hmphhhhhhh. So when the insurance company returns my call (not holding my breathe) I will three way the surgeons office so everyone will be on the same page. If you did not need a pysc appointment before this process you will differently will after
thin wishes and WLS dreams
(deactivated member)
on 4/18/05 11:10 pm - MT
on 4/18/05 11:10 pm - MT
I know all this running around can get you confused but just remember to stop and breath!!! I am sorry that I do not have an answer for you but wanted to just post to let you know that I am hoping all works out, which it will hun....~hug~
please keep us posted and come back to vent anytime or just to say hello.....
Take care
Debra p
Hello Christine
Thank you for your reply, you have a good idea to write down the name of the person that I talked too. My memory is shot. To many pain meds. The insurance comp says there is no new policies so I am going with that for now. Three people there have said that so far. I told them everything I am doing and they said I am doing it right, so fingers, toes, legs, arms, lips, and everything else I can cross, I get approved quickly.
thin wishes and WLS dreams
I am in the process of appealing my denial from Preferred Care. The recent change that affected me was that they now require 10 to 12 months of a medically supervised weight loss attempt with LOTS of documentation. I have so many appointments with 3 different physicians treating my multiple weight related conditions that I had them all give
me dates and weigh-ins for the last two years along with letters of support expressing how we approached weight loss attempts. I don't know if it will work but I figured it was worth a try.
Best of Luck,
Hello Marisa
Thank you for your reply, I am sorry to hear about your denial from P/C. Is the 10 to 12 months supervised diet the new requirment? I believe I have that with my current PCP, I go every 2 months for weight and check up. Dont give up, who is your Dr? there is appeal letters that others have written if you need help on that (go to the main board and post someone will have it) I seen it a few times. I will pray that approval will come soon for you.
thin wishes and WLS dreams