I'm still here! Update.
Hi everyone. I've been "off the boards" for awhile. After I got home from the hospital on 3/31, I've had someone with me 24/7 until this past Tuesday. On April 8, I had a trip to the emergency room and a CT scan. It confirmed that everything is fine, but I have an internal suture that is just making my life miserable when I have to bend.
My Mom left on Tuesday, the 12th and I developed the most horrific gas attack in the world on Wednesday! That lasted a couple of days and almost sent me back to the ER, but finally subsided with a little help from Gas X and a little more common sense in adding foods to the diet. I'm going back to work tomorrow.
The good news is that I'm down 25 pounds and off my diabetes medication.
I'm not as tired as I was (only need one nap a day) and I can actually do a whole exercise tape now.
I found a great cookbook for WLS patients, it even gives you the manner in which to prepare the meal depending on what type you had and how many weeks out you are. Email me if you want the details. OK, so sitting at the computer is now possible. Every day, another step forward!
Hugs to everyone.

Glad you are starting to feel better and they found no major problems....
So your going back to work tomorrow...don't forget to take it easy and one day at a time going back to work can take alot out of you...where you will get tired mid-day and wiped out but the time you get home....
25 lbs 

you go girl you are off to a great start....keep up the good work.....
Glad youare back and feeling better..

Thanks Christine, you're a sweetheart! I'm doing half days this first week and will take it from there. Fortunately, I have a ton of sick days and several weeks of vacation, so I can pretty much ease back into it. Think I can convince my boss to put a "nap cot" in my office?
How are you doing? Is the medication still taking care of everything?

Hi Cheryl
So glad to hear everything went well. It is really hard getting back in the swing of work after surgery, glad to hear you are doing half days. Make sure you keep up on your fluids and vitamins. What is the name of that cookbook? Sounds good. I get so bored with the same foods!!
Take care and have a great day!
311/197/167 goal

(deactivated member)
on 4/17/05 10:26 pm - MT
on 4/17/05 10:26 pm - MT
Hello hun and it is nice to see ya here...~hug~ That is really great that you have had someone there for you all this time....
Sorry about your trip to the ER but glad it was nothing serious....
Gas X becomes a good friend from what I hear post op....
I guess I will get some before going in.....
Hoping your day back today is a good one...~hug~ I hope to see ya at the next support group, May 5th right? 7 or 7:30pm? Just let me know hun and I wish you the best......~hugs~
Take care
Debra P