Helping with Hearing loss
I found this in the Hearing Health Care News, a newsletter from The Hearing Center, and thought I would share it, since most people know someone with a hearing loss or have a hearing loss themselves. Have a good day.
Helping Others Help You.
People who have normal hearing can't know what it's like to have a hearing loss. But your family, Friends and co-workers can be very helpful--especially if you let them know how to be helpful. Here are some suggestions you can give them to make your (and their) life a little easier:
About my hearing aids. Hearing aids are not like eyeglasses! They provide very important help, but hearing aids do not restore normal hearing.
Get my attention. This allows me to "get ready" to listen. And please don't speak to me from another room! I can't understand you when you're far away and out of sight.
Don't talk fast. I often have to "figure out what someone said, so it's hard to keep up with a fast talker. One of my most important tips: slow down.
Face Me. Even if I'm not consciously trying to lip-read, It's much easier for me to hear and understand if I can see your face.
Come Closer. Your voice is a little louder and lip-reading is much easier. Someone only three feet away is twice as easy to understand as someone eight feet away.
Reduce background noise. Noise interferes with my hearing more than it does for other people. Please turn down the television, radio or air conditioner. If you can't, please remember that hearing in noise is much harder for me than it is for you!
Just because I heard you, doesn't mean I understood you! Hearing is not the same as understanding. People with accents and people who mumble or talk fast are especially difficult for me. I hear them..... I just don't understand them.