I'm discouraged
I'm really starting to get sick of this waiting game. I've had my initial consultation with my surgeon, then I met with the dietician, and I had my psychological evaluation (he approved me), and now it waiting. I called my surgeon last week, and was told they would contact me when they had all my information. In the meantime, a lot of my family and friends are beginning to discourage me from having the surgery done. The longer I wait the more I waffle. I'm tired of this life, and think this truly could be the solution I've been looking for. I just could use a little support. Thank you all...although I've never posted before, I read the NY forum often, and it always encourages me!

Hi! Welcome to the NY Board. 
Do not let anyone discourage you.
You can always turn to this board for support. Let me tell you that this process takes time. Some people here have waited a year or more. I have not yet had my surgery, but I hear it is well worth the wait.
On this board, you can ask questions, vent or just support others. Just keep looking at the before and after pictures, read posts or e-mail someone until your wait is over. I have made many new friends on this board, four whom live close by and we got together to meet face to face.
Remember this is for YOU, no one else lives in your shoes.
Good luck in your journey.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. It really means so much to me. Just think, one week from today, and you will be on your way to a new and healthier life! St. Patrick's Day is a good day! I work with the Jr. High Youth in my church, and we'll be having a prayer service that night. I'm going to include you in our prayers. Best of luck to you, and thanks again. Jeanette
Oh Jeanette, I understand your frustration. I really really REALLY hate to wait. I've been doing this since Jan 2003. I finally have my date March 24th if all goes well with the preop stuff. I know it will be worth the wait. We are different in the fact that I haven't told many people including family members. I didn't want their feedback. I felt this was my decision to make. It is my happiness. My health. You can listen patiently to your family but in the end it is all you. Not sure what kind of family they are but hopefully they will support you no matter what. If they don't, you have us and your support group. We all understand and a lot of us have had the same feelings and dealings with family and friends.
Good luck and hang in there.
Thank you Dawn. I know my family will be supportive no matter what I decide, but they aren't too happy with the prospect of my having surgery. I know it's my decision, and no one can make it for me. I just appreciate all the support I get on this site. It means a lot to me. Have a great night, and please know that I will be thinking and praying for you as your surgery date approaches. Take care - Jeanette
I am sorry your having a hard time right now, but, hang in there....its sooo worth the wait, it took me 2 yrs...1 1/2 of them I kept this choice to myself, not wanting anyone to change my choice !! It was a LONGGG 2 years...but your hardest part is over with hun....Your day is coming !! and it will be here before you know it....and 7 months will pass and this will all be just a memory.......trust me...I was right where you are right now....thinking my day would never come......and it did.....and 7 months later......here I am !!
As far as your family and friends......stand FIRM on your descion........maybe there is a reason you have had to wait soo long....to KNOW that WHY your doing this and it is WHAT YOU want to do..and be able to step back in one year...or..5 years....and say....Ya know what?? I did THIS BECAUSE IIIIII NEEDED TO..and I am GLADD I did not listen to you all.....
Keep your chin up !! and if you need anything........let me know !!
Im close by, and if you need an ear...let me know !!!
Take Care & and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers !
Brenny !!

Thanks so much for the nice words. They mean a lot to me, and I appeciate your post. I happy that your journey has been going well so far. How has your 7 months been? Would you do it again? This whole thing is pretty scary, but the idea of not doing it is scary too. I do feel like I'm in sort of a stand still right now, but will take your advice and keep my chin up. I guess it's a good way to work on improving my patience! Thanks again for your support. Take care - Jeanette
(deactivated member)
on 3/10/05 9:54 pm - MT
on 3/10/05 9:54 pm - MT
Hello hun....
I know the feeling and you have to really take a long look and see if this is really what you want......I think we ALL think twice about it at some time during our journey.....~Hug~
I am still Pre-op and waiting to finish the last month of a 6 month weight loss program (waste of DR's and my time) that the Ins Comp makes you do with GHI. Waiting seems to be the game here and it can really play on you......hang in there hun and really take some time to make sure this is what YOU want, don't listen to others, this is YOUR life hun!
Take care and if you need to chat please email me.....
Debra P

Hi Jeanette and welcome to the NY board...
I was one of thou's people who had to wait a year before getting approved, it was denial after denial......but I stuck it out and there was times that I did just give up and thought there was no hope for me to have surgery.......along with the wait my mother kept telling me it was not meant for me to have this surgery so just forget about it....well I had enough and told her.....I will have this surgery it might not be today but I was not giving up......well I don't have to tell you she didn't like my answer and was suprised how I spoke to her and determined I was even if I had to wait til dec of this year I was determined to have this surgery....SO NOW YOU.....just hang in there it will happen when it is suppose to I know it is frustrating but you need to hang in there it is your health and your life....and you have taking your steps aready to a healthier and happier lifestyle and not to mention active lifestyle......your so close....so hang in there....keep picturing what life would be like when you loss your weight and become active and you are able to shop for clothes in regular stores wow I can't wait......keep it in your mind and heart...everything in it's right time...
Keep me posted....