Checking In With My NY Friends
Hello NYers !!
Just dropping by and updating. I posted right before my 6 month check-up in January.
During my appointment Dr. O'Malley felt the pain I had been having may have been a stricture. I was sent the following week to have an upper gi and an ultra sound. I then went on my vacation to North Carolina to see my best friend and her family.
When I came back home, Dr O had called me several times about the test results.
I have alot of gall stones and my gallbladder needs to come out ASAP. Soooo I have a date with Dr. O' March 22nd.I go tomorrow for my pretesting and all that happy stuff, then if there is an opening they are calling me in early.
Im not scared, because I have all the failth in my Dr. I just wanted you all to know whats going on with me.
I am down 156ish lbs.....I am feeling good.....and my hair has stopped falling out !! Which is a VERYYYYYYY nice thing.
It was nice to see Dr. O, last week,I had not seen him since my surgery date July23rd,( I see his asst. Kim) I heard him outside the door before coming in.....He was flipping through my chart, he walked in.....looked at me for a minute, and said "Brenda, Im not going to say I remember what you looked like on July 23rd.....I see too many people, however, you look wonderful for a woman whos lost 156 lbs in 7 months" I must admit,He really made me smile.
Ok....Enough rambling !!! I will see you all before I go to the hospital.....maybe ya can all keep me in your thoughts.....
Hope everyone is doing well.....and staying healthy !! Keeping you all in my thoughts as always

Hi Brenny, Sorry to hear you are having gallbladder problems. I had mine out a few years ago (Dr Boss), those gallbladder attacks are wicked!
Congrats on your 156 lbs ...that is amazing!
I will also be at Highland's finally my big day! I'm doing the liquids today and trying not to be too nervous but it's hard...I am excited and nervous all at the same time!
I will say a prayer that your surgery goes well, I'm sure it will. I remember being quite surprised at feeling so well after my gallbladder surgery.
Take care,
WOW.....Your big day is tomorrow !!! I will be there also !! I have all my stuff I have to do tomorrow.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers !! You have waitied sooo long for this !!
What times your surgery?? Maybe Ill pop in and check on you !! I wont be there till afternoon........Soooo maybe Ill just check. Take Care Patty !!
Hi Brenny
I'm so sorry about what you are going through......keep the faith in your doc....I'm sure you will be feeling better soon.....
And might I add 156ish lbs wow wow wow girl I hope I can do as good as has your journey been ups and downs what are you eating and how long did it take you to get use to chew chew chew when you went on regular food.....did you forget sometimes and get this pain right in the chest ( stoma) like I do and just wish to shove you fist
through and take it out.....sorry for the graphics .....but I miss you....
So glad y ou had a good time in Carolina with bac to the operating room with you young lady...
I know I ask to many questions to you but that because of all your success....I am proud of you Brenny......have you taken more Pictures when will you post them......
Ok Brenny I'll shut up....soon LOL
just kidding.....
I will be praying for you as are in my thoughts...

Hi Christine !!
How you doing girl !! I hope all is well with you.
Ask alll the questions you want, and I will try to answer them all !! LOL 156 lbs....YUPPP....Wow...Amazing !! I see myself...and hmm.....I do look different will laugh when I tell you, I dont know if I like the feel of my bones !! I sleep with a pillow between my knees because the feel of my kneecaps touching one another creeps me out...LOL NEVERR thought I would say that !! LOL Sometimes the cushion was OK !!
As far as ups and downs.....None...cept this problem now, I have been feeling not soo good for 2 months now, but, I thought, well, maybe I was eating too much ( I eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup food at a meal, depending on what it is) Then I thought, well, maybe I was not chewing well enough.....I mean it was just about liquid when I did swallow, when I went to my 6month checkup, Kim said she felt there was something more than the chewing and amounts.....she felt I should be eating a bit more.or at the least more times a day..I only eat 2 sometimes 3 times a day. I eat mostly veggies and fruits.....very little meat..none of which is beef.....I do eat small amounts of fish...but I dont enjoy it as much as I did before my surgery......I have a problem finding something I doo like now...thats a tough part for me. and at times, things I ate and enjoyed, dont set well with me the next time I try them...
On the days I cant seem to eat a solid food....and there are days like that, i make sure I get LOTSSSSs of liquids !! Even protein that I DETEST !!! BUT, I also know my body needs it.
I do now and then forget to chew chew chew and when that doessssss happen.....I rub my ribcage.....right in the center.......LOL for some helps....LOL I really doo think I need to SLOWWWWw down when I eat....maybe thats why I get soooo full sooooo fast ?? I am still learning here......never proclaiming I am a pro here !!!
Ummm as far as pics !! YES.....I doo have some friend took some in NC...she also had GB, soo we took pics of one another !! I will post them up tomorrow !! I am working on a site to view them better....I should have the website done this weekend.YOU will be the 1st to know when its up !!
WOW so now your thinkin'....Shut Up Brenny !!! So I will.....Thanks for all your encouragement you give me EVERYTIME I come or more of your posts ALWAYS cheer me up Christine !! and I have NOOOO doubts you will do a WONDERFULlY PERFECT job on your won journey !! If you need ANYTHING ....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Ask !!
Take Care....and I will be around more !!
Love Ya
Brenny !!

Dawn !!
YIKES is right.....But.....really, Im alright !! I doo wish they had just taken it out before, but, Dr. O'Malley explained to me WHY it is bad now and it wasnt then.....because its used to letting more biel out before surgery..and now it doesnt release as much.....causing the extra stuff to lay and sit and create stones......NOWWWW...had Brenny been a good post op patient and took the preventive meds he had told me to take..maybe I would not be here.....He said its a question there if it would have worked or not, and told me even tho I was WRONG !! Not to do as I was told.....chances are with a 150 loss in 7 would have most likely been the case and to not beat myself up over it.........I just learned a very very very important lesson !! DO AS YOUR DR. TELLS YA !! LOL
Thanks Dawn !! I'll be seeing you around !!