An introduction and where to start?
Hi everyone, my name is Laurie. Im married, 42, have 6 children and 6 grandchildren with one more precious granddaughter due in April. I have been obese since 1983.
I was put on my first diet at 4 years old. My grandmother and I used to sit at the dining room table and eat salami and cheese sandwiches and I put on quite a bit of weight. My pediatricin put me on a diet so my grandmother decided that she would too.
My grandmother passed away several months later but without my food buddy, I continued to lose weight until I was of "normal weight".
My next battle with food started when I met my exhusband. I was 5'4" tall and was 135 lbs. That was until the abuse started. My weight quickly climbed and by 1983, (4 years after I met him), My weight was 200 lbs. In 1988 before I got pregnant with my youngest child I was 267 lbs. Did I stop there? No! And neither did the abuse. By the time I left him in 1997, I was 402 lbs and a diabetic and an asthmatic both.
In 1998 I met a wonderful man on AOL and he didnt care that I was 400 lbs. He moved to NY from SC and the rest is history. I had joined Weigh****chers and lost some weight but always seemed to be struggling with it.
Now a year after I dropped out of Weigh****chers, Ive gained another 100 lbs. Im 50 lbs shy of what I was when I left my exhusband. I ache every day, the last two weeks have been horrible. My hips hurt, my legs hurt, my knees, back. I wake up gasping at night. Damn it, I dont want to die! I have to do something now.
I stumbled on this site by accident...destiny or fate,I dont care. Im here. Today, a sweet kind woman sent me a message. She will never know what her kind words did for me. Im still crying.
I need to know how to begin this journey. I cant afford to procrastinate any longer. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you to everyone.
hello laurie, do you know of any dr.;s in your area? well with mine(in buffalo) i called the office and they set me a packet and gave a list of what they needed to have then once you had everything and send it in they call to set up an appointment and for me if was quick i got my paperwork together quick and you will want to document you trying to loose weight with your primary and you may need a letter from your primary as well saying they suggest you have it. but things are different everywhere...maybe find what dr, you want 1st then take it from there.
good luck
julie k
Hi Laurie
Welcome to OH. This is a great site, full of awesome information and awesome people. Feel free to post any questions and we will try to help in the best way we can. It sounds like you have been through a lot but have been able to see your value and have come through strong! This is not an easy journey but so worth it! Good Luck and keep us posted.
You found the NY message board and that's a start. To the right of the board, you can click on Bariatric Surgeons and look for one near you. Or, you can ask your primary care physician for a referral. Or, you can ask your insurance company for the names of surgeons participating in your plan. I go to Dr. Pearlstein in Catskill which is south of Troy and there is Dr. Tsai in Albany. I'm sure that there are many others.
You can also research the surgery itself on this website. Go back to the home page and take the virtual tour (journey). When you have questions, just post them on this board and someone will come up with an answer for you, or point you in the right direction.
Every insurance company is different as to what they require and when. You can either call them directly or ask your doctor, when you find one.
Good luck. ~Cheryl~
Hello Laurie~~So Happy to See You Here!!
Here is a good place to start your journey~~
Just remember, your not alone!!! We are a wonderful group of very supportive people, who have been just where you are now.
If you have any questions or concerns, just post them and we all will help you along your journey. Wishing you all the very best!!

Follow the links that others have given you. Stay on this site as there are many who totally understand your fears. All will give encouragement and support. Feel free to ask any questions. If there is anything we can do, let us know. If you just want to chat, you can email me and I'll be a support to you. Whatever you need to help you through this journey, we are here. One thing that helped me was looking at the before and after pics. It's one thing to see on TV those commercials that say before and after and you think it's staged, but here, it is real. REAL people who have REAl problems with REAL results. Look at people's profiles and websites. Terri
is right about checking out the Before & After Pictures
here at AMOS. Below is the link~~~

All I can add is Welcome. We are all here for you to question, or vent to or just to chat with. You can e-mail any of us anytime. We will support you through this journey.
This is the beginning of the journey to the start of your new life.
Good luck and may God Bless you.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.