Any Catholics have a problem receiving Holy Communion?
I know this may sound strange, but I thought of it today as I stood on the altar (I'm a Eucharistic Minister) about to receive Holy Communion. How long after (RNY), when I have mine done, will I be able to receive Holy Communion (Bread and Wine). Our hosts are small, whole wheat wafers except when we are ministers and receive from the large host, and Communion from the cup is only a sip. Has anyone ever asked this question? Thanks for any replies. Debra
I haven't seen this question before. Shouldn't be a problem. I was released from the hospital on a pureed foods diet. The smaller hosts melt pretty well. I would go for a token sip. Put the chalice to your lips and avoid taking more than a drop or so. I'm a little paranoid about alcohol after the surgery, because it strains an already fragile liver. As a Eucharistic Minister I think how you feel will be the bigger issue. It'll probably be a few weeks before you feel well enough to stand long enough for the communion service, depending on how large your parish is.
Thanks Kathy. I know it will take a few weeks following surgery before I will minister again, and that's okay. As a minister of the cup, I usually only take a small sip, or touch my lips with the communion wine. After communion one of the other ministers graciously finishes my cup for me, as I cannot drink alcohol now anyway (medications I'm on). So I guess I will be fine. It was just good to get some reassurance, and I appreciate you responding.
The strangest things go through your head as you are preparing for this life changing surgery....and I'm still waiting for my date
. Thanks again. Debra

Hi Debra
I have never had a problem with receiving Communion. I did not go back to Mass until two weeks after surgery because I was told by my Dr not to come in contact with large groups of people for two weeks to prevent catching any illness. I have been receiving Communion weekly ever since. I am sure the wine will not cause a problem because you are only taking a small sip. In fact, if it really makes you nervous just take enough to just wet your lips. No one will ever know you did not take a big gulp. My 19 year old daughter is also a EM, and has been since 17 years old. She went to Catholic HS and served at all the school Masses as well as in our Parish----> I am so proud of her! Anyway--Good Luck !
Oh btw, I spoke to my Pastor this morning about the fast and abstinence on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and he told me that all of us post-ops are excluded from this rule because we need to follow our Dr's orders and since we eat so little to begin with, he said we fast everyday to begin with! LOL
What's everyone doing for Lent? I am going to try and make the Stations of the Cross every Friday night.

Hi Marianne,
Thanks for your reply. It really is hard to believe how much "stuff" you think about getting ready for this. The Eucharist is such an important part of my life.
My doctor's office just told me I needed an EDG done before they can submit my paperwork. I'm seeing my GI doc tomorrow morning, and hopefully I can get this scheduled asap. That's the only piece missing right now. I'm sure I won't have any problems with my insurance company.
Thanks again. I don't know what I would have done in the past six months without the information I have gotten from this board. I think I've ready almost every profile on here, and I love reading the posts, although I admit I don't post often. I am sure as I have more questions I will post them.
For lent I am going to try to make our extra Masses on Tuesday evenings followed by a soup and salad dinner, and then Fridays we are having Mass followed by stations. I'll also be praying for all of my friends on this board during lent.
Have a great week. Debra
This is an interesting thread. I had the same concern before surgery. I was discharged from the hospital on a Sunday. I attended Mass the following week. Communion posed no problems one week out, because it does dissolve readily.
Fast and Abstinence shouldn't be any problem. At three weeks out, fish has really turned out to be a well-tolerated source of protein. Fast and Abstinence has never been easier. I guess I'll just have to give up something else really good for Lent!
God Bless us all...
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