My surgery is on FAT Tuesday 2/8
HI everyone,
Well I guess I won't be wearing any beads that day.
I just found out that I'm book on the best day of them all during Mardi Gras. 
I think that is too funny. Because I love New Orleans.
When you think about it, I'm book on the coolest day of the year in New Orleans. So when you think about it That day while they are throwing there beads, eating King Cakes, drinking
and watching the parades.
I will be chancing my life forever in a very health, happy way.

I can't wait. I'm just so happy.
I feel my life is going to change for the better.
I've never be skinny. So Next year I'm planning to be in New Orleans as a New ME! ;party:
The happier side
Can I ask you something? Before you went into surgery how did you all feel?
See, I'm so happy I've never been skinny before and every time I have try to lose the weight I have failed so badly.
So now I'm going to be able to do it.
Funny thing is I was just listening to Jennifer Lopez [my idol
j/k] And I stated to cry. This isn't the first time I've been crying. If you all want to
, while driving the other day the radio were playing 50 cent and I just started crying then too. I just start to cry when I think about how much my life is going to change.
Stupid huh? I just feel so stupid about it. I just want to know if anyone felt that happy?

Maria the feelings you are having are very normal! Your emotions will be doing that to you here and there until the surgery day . I went through the same thing but only like a few days before the surgery. Remember this is going to be a life change but for the better. So don't worry how you are feeling right now it's really normal.
247/139/past goal 

Congratulations Maria
Take it from a former (Rochester) New Yorker...the best thing for you to be is HAPPY
Before going to surgery I was very excited and not even the least bit nervous of going on this venture. I told as many people as I discreetly could - to help in keeping positive thoughts and prayers for me..and when the surgeon came into the waiting room before the surgery - he asked: Are you ready for this? I said absolutely!!! So keep up the positive/happy attitude Maria it will take you a long way because after surgery you may be in a bit of pain for a while - but believe me it will PASS. Good luck to you!!! Keep smiling!! I'm still very happy with my decision.