Hello Everyone!! New here!
Hello New York Board,
I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Marcie, I am married to a wonderful man, and have two boys, 2yrs old and 11yrs old. I live in Western New York, and have all of my life. But anyhow, I am new to this website and have read alot over on the main message board, and just figured out there are mess. boards for each state as well. So I figured I'd come on over, and say HELLO EVERYONE!!!
I am in the process of researching WLS right now, and surgeons. Right now I am scheduled to attend a seminar in July with Dr. O'malley in Rochester, NY. I also plan on looking into Dr. Caruana in Williamsville, and a Doctor in Virginia. So that's my current status on my journey.
So HELLO to you all, and hope each of you are happy and healthy and enjoying life as much as I try to!!
Take care,

Hi Marcie,
I live in Corning NY and Dr. Cole is doing my surgery. Last year BCBS of Northeastern PA denied me.. Actually BC approved me and BS denied me even after appeal. My husband changed jobs so we took my jobs insurance. I tried again and within 1 month, I was approved - BCBS Excellus PPO. I was so excited but in shock! My surgery is scheduled for February 11th. I have been following this web site lately as well and it is very informative and the folks seem kind and giving. Take care and good luck with your ventures.
Hi Terri,
We live 1 1/2 hrs away from Corning..we are in Olean, NY. And is Dr. Cole in Corning, my mom suggested a doctor in corning, but can't remember his name. I'm so glad to hear you say that BCBS Excellus PPO approved you, because that's the SAME exact insurance we have!!! They sent me a letter of a list of things that MUST be followed to be approved, and it's not that much so I'm sure I'll be approved as well if I choose to definetly have the surgery! Thanks for writing!
Hi Marcie:
Welcome to the messageboard!!!
It is a great place to obtain WLS information, answers to questions and just to vent.
I live in Horseheads, NY which is about 20 minutes east of Corning and I am a patient of Dr. McKane who is partner with Dr. Cole. They and their staff are fantastic. Everyone in their office is so pleasant and makes you feel as if they have known you forever. They have a patient forum you can check out.
I have not yet been scheduled for surgery as I am waiting approval from BC/BS and results from sleep apnea study.
Hopefully, I will be scheduled sometime in February. At least that is what I am praying for.
So, thank you and welcome aboard.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Brenda
Thanks so much for your kind words. I'd love to keep in touch with you throughout your experience, and possible surgery with Dr. McKane, I am going to call his office tomorrow and see what the steps are to getting a consultation with him. (Dr. O'malley in Rochester..ugg I have to wait till July just to get into his seminar) So I'd like to hear all of your thoughts/concerns with your journey with that Doctor. So I can take all into consideration etc.
I am scheduled for a sleep apnea test on Feb. 12th, and anxious to see if I do indeed have sleep apnea. I've a couple times woke up gasping for air in the middle of the night, and during naps throughout the day. Scary!! Let me know what your results are! I hope your insurance understands your needs for having the WLS, and they consider it, and approve you soon for surgery. Again, let me know
Okay am I rambling yet? If not, I better go before I do, I have a problem with rambling...
Take care Brenda, you are in my thoughts and prayers,

Hi Marcie:
I am definitely having surgery with Dr. McKane. Our insurance approves the surgery as long as you meet their criteria/guidelines. I requested a copy of their criteria and I meet them all. Dr. McKane's office sends a courtesy letter to them so we have "official" proof that they will pay. Debbie in his office says that it takes about 2 weeks to get an answer from BC/BS. I am hoping that having sleep apnea doesn't hold up my surgery.
If you check out my profile, you can read my journey as I update it regularly since I am "retired".
I have lumbar stenosis and herniated disks in my neck and back so I am disabled.
I would love to keep in contact with you as we make this journey.
Feel free to e-mail me anytime.
I also have a tendency to ramble.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Brenda
Well I was so excited today because I got my first consulation with Dr. McKane on Feb. 14th..but then I logged on and saw your post that he does NOT do lap RNY's
So I imagine I'll cancel the appt. with him, I very much am wanting to have the LAP, and NOT the open.(and not willing to budge either) So RATS RATS RATS....blah silly me I should of asked while I was on the phone with the office before I made the appt. UGGGG... Well do you know if Dr. Cole his partner does the lap?? Let me know, if not I'll just call the office again tomorrow!