Hi Please Read This
Hi my name is Carmella, I am 376lbs and 5'7. I was just wondering if anyone knows of a surgeon who is willing to operate on a 15 year old. I will be 16 on March 16th. I really need to know as soon as possible. Also I have Child Health Plus and Medicade.
I just want to thank you in advance for any information you can give.

hi carmella. i also have medicaid and family health plus. I have HIP as my insurer with medicaid. I dont know whick one you have so first you have to see if they will cover the surgery. My surgeon is Dr. Alan Geiss in Syosset and he accepts this insurance. Its hard to find one that will I think. Then call him and ask if he will do the surgery on someone your age. I have seen some young looking people in the office though. Give him a call. Its a bit of a didtance from you but it would be worth it. Another option is just to have your PCP reccomend you to a surgeon (you'll need the referral anyway) and then see if they accept it and you. Best of luck toyou hun, and feel free to email me if you want.
Hello Carmella,
I will have Nikki Hepfer from ObesityHelp try and help you locate a surgeon. I will ask her to email you.
We have had an article on Teens who have had Weight Loss Surgery in ObesityHelp Magazine and have another one coming up soon. If you would like a copy of the magazine or just the article, email me at: [email protected] and I will send you a free copy.
Good luck to you and let us know how we can further support you. We are here to help!
Director of Media & PR
ObesityHelp Inc