9 days out and some Questions
Hi to my AMOS Family,
I am 9 days out and each day is getting harder instead of easier. My surgery took 4 1/2 hours and was very difficult due to the Nissen take down they had to do first. I was done open and still have a Jackson-Pratt drainage tube which they will take out tomorrow (I hope).
My problem is the ability to take liguids. I am down to sucking on Ice chips and trying to do anything to get some fluids in. After taking any type of fluid in I get a few minutes to anywhere up to a couple of hours and I start heaving. I don't bring any large amounts of anything up so I guess it is getting in but I don't know why it would trigger Nausea a vomiting. Even, Waters.
Any suggestions??? I see the nurse practisioner tomorrow. I just cringe at taking anything in cause I don't want to do that empty

I too had the same problem at first and mine went on for about 2 weeks like that before I was able to drink much... I was lucky that I didn't get physically sick
but I did become dehydrated and quite frankly I felt like poo... When I visited the surgeons office they got on me about it but I don't think they truly realize how hard it is to fit things into the pouch when its sooo small... So I know exactly where you are coming from and I can sympathize... The nausea (I was told) comes from being dehydrated and its your body's way of telling you that you need fluids...
Have you tried SF popsicles to get in liquid consumption? Or broths??? Warm liquids worked the best for me at first...
Water can make you nauseated sometimes, I know it did for me... But honestly the first couple of weeks it didn't matter what it was I became nauseated...
Perhaps the nurse practitioner could put you on some meds (liquids of course) for the nausea... I was on something for a little while and it did help me...
Good luck hon!!! It gets better after the first few weeks... I'm almost back to normal pre-surgery feeling now and I am so happy about that... You'll get there too but definitely tell them how you are feeling and am sure they can help ya with the nausea... Hope you're feeling better soon!!! Keep us posted....
Chelle In NNY
RNY 12/17/2004
403/363/170 goal

Thank you Chelle,
Just getting a response from someone who has been through this and gives me hope for a better future is help. Liquids are going better, all the nurse practitioner did is take out my staples (32 all together). The dain tube was left in and I will go back at the 2 week mark on Monday to have that removed. 13 pounds down in 10 days, That was pretty exciting. I've started things like pudding and applesauce and yogurt. If By monday I can do these 3 things without too much trouble the dietician will let me try some tuna salad and eggs salad. I am using a protien supplement drink as well.
It is good to hear that things get better It has been a difficult week for sure. Thank you for being so sweet and taking the time to answer my post.
Take good care my friend,

Thank you Sandy for your concern and support.
I am so excited for you and your upcoming surgery date
. Things are getting much better for me day by day. I had alot more work than the average By-pass patient as they had to literaly peal my stomach off of my esophagus first before they could make the pouch. It was very difficult to do so they ended up opening me and it took about 4 1/2 hours. Even still I expected this to be a learning experience and it is and I'm not sorry at all for having it done. Just some learning involved and things will get better.
Things that work for one person may not work for me.
My pouch and I will have lots of time to get acquainted. Things taste different too. I will be keeping track of you and your progress as your big day approaches.
Take good care,

I don't know how much help I'll be. I'm 6 days post-op and feeling crappy. I'm having some emotional problems, so I think that is driving my general "yucky" feeling.
I called my doctor today to discuss some of the issues I have. He is super supportive, so he made my day.
One of my problems was having nausea everytime I drans something. He told me that I may be drinking too fast or too much. Also, if I am stressed, I may cause myself to become nauseas.
Hope you feel better!