Here I go...
I didnt realize there was a NY forum. So this is a repost. to the locals. I want to thank everyone for their support as I approach my banding date. I celebrated my 36th birthday yesterday and my present to myself comes on Thursday. Not looking forward to the prep or being away from my 10 month old for a couple of days but I know in my heart this surgery will allow me to be around him for a very long time. I am scheduled first surgery of the day on Thursday the 20th. IF anyone can reccommend a good protein drink let me know. I cant wait to get back here and say hi on the losing side. Scared?? You bet!!!! but I know I am not alone, have great support, and I will be ok!
peaces love and strength.
sharon in ny
Welcome Sharon~~
Happy Birthday
You have given yourself the best gift, a healthier and happier lifestyle
What your feeling right now is very normal, your on that rollercoaster ride of emotions! You will do just fine--stay focused and think about how you will look on your 37th b-day
Wishing you all the very best with your surgery on Thursday. Please take a Before Pic--it is very important to have one. You will be glad you did, once you start shrinking!!
Here is the link for reviews, just click on each product and you will find reviews from people here at AMOS. Just keep in mind that your taste will change after surgery--so samples are recommended!
Please post
and let us know how your surgery went, as soon as your feeling up to it!!