Any advice?
Hello AMOS family... if I have ever needed your advice and input it is now. I am 5 weeks post op today and I had all of my staples removed 3 weeks ago. (or so I thought) After my bath tonight I was rubbing bacitracin over my incisions and I noticed that something was poking me. Stupid me thought it was just a scab and I tried to pull it. IT'S A STAPLE! I thought that maybe I could just pull it out but it is embedded and is now hurting. I think that this is just plain negligent of the surgeons but what can I do? He cant see me until 2-1 when he returns from yet another vacation! Any advice?
It sounds like 2-1 is too long to wait if it is hurting you. Is there somebody else in his office you can see? My surgeon was on vacation when it was time for my 3 weeks follow-up and I saw one of his associates instead. Call them up and ask to see somebody else?
I hope you get it out soon.
Hi Jalonda~~
Get on the phone this morning and call his office, you should not have to wait until he returns from vacation! He does have a dr on call for his patients and you need to see him today for your peace of mind!! I think you have lots of questions and need to talk with a dr today. Please don't wait..... Good Luck and let us know what happens!

This sounds like a case of irresponsibility on behalf of the doctor's support staff. When you call back, if you get the same response, you tell the person you wish to speak to their supervisor. If they give you any lip, tell them that you sincerely hope their med mal insurance is up to date. You remind them that you are newly post op, you are in pain and you don't need to run the risk of unnecessary infection. Incidentally, I would make certain that when the doctor does return from vacation, you inform him of what happened. It is HIS license that and insurance that will be in trouble if his staff mishandles his patients, also. He needs to have his staff trained properly in handling all situations.
welp i would go to the ER ur surgeon has to have someone on call for him... or i would pull out my toenail clippers and remove it myself... at least that is what i did bc i waited in the ER 13 hrs and they came ans said it would be at least another 4 hours.... that wasnt goin to happen i had my 18 month old with me.... so beings the nursing assistant i am i removed my own staples.... but i suggest you goin to the hosp...