Drinking Water
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/05 11:09 pm - MT
on 1/4/05 11:09 pm - MT
Hello All,
Just me again with some questions.....my mind is back and working on this WLS thingie since we are in 2005......~laughing~
I am worried about getting my water in.....right now I drink about 2 1/2 Liters at day......i try to have it all in by 3 pm so I do not have to worry about it for the rest of the day (after work). I know that I will not be able to gulp like it do now so you have to sip all day long. My questions is...the people that have problems getting their water in, what kind of water drinker were you before WLS? Is this something that is totaly new to you or have you drank all along?........
Thanks as always......
Take care

(deactivated member)
on 1/5/05 12:00 am - MT
on 1/5/05 12:00 am - MT
Thank you so much for the feedback.....
I really enjoy the water but sometimes if I am running around it is a pain to drink because you always have to go to the bathroom but I guess after the surgery I will HAVE to make sure I get it all in......
Thanks again,

I was a big water drinker before surgery. Immediately after surgery I had a hard time with it. I always liked COLD water and didn't care for it after surgery. I eventually found that mixing some cold and room temperature seemed to work pretty well.
I have to admit it is a challenge to get my water in now. However, it is getting better as more time goes by.
Best of luck to you.
(deactivated member)
on 1/5/05 12:02 am - MT
on 1/5/05 12:02 am - MT
I know my cuz had this surgery done and craved Ice water but now she just likes it room temp....
Thanks for your info hun....

Hi Debra
I loved water too pre op and drank like crazy. Immediately pre-op there was no way I was getting all the water in and now I find I have to work at it still, carrying it around with me and being sure I sip frequently. The amount I can take in at one sitting is getting better but some days it can be annoying but so worth it in the end. Good Luck
I hated water pre-op, and like it better now, but still don't love it. I drink at least 1 1/2 liters of water a day, and the rest is my current fave, Crystal LIte Sunrise (diluted).....I find that I can drink more at a time now (still nowhere near a gulp) than right after my surgery. As long as I keep a sports bottle w/ me, I can pretty much make sure I get it all in.

Debra, it is great to see that you are asking so many pertinent questions!
I was a HUGE water drinker before surgery, I would say close to 1 1/2 gallons per day. Now I am lucky if I can get 20 oz in. I have tried different things to find out what works... it's all about experimenting and finding what works for you. I too was a BIG gulper, I would gulp 20 oz and not blink, but now I can't take more than a capful at a time. What I have tried is frozen vitamin water. I freeze it, let it melt until it is thick and slushy, then I can get 10 0z in within 30 minutes. OR I chew on ice cubes, I take 3 or 4 in a cup and chew and munch... that's worth about 2.5 to 3 oz. Whatever I drink has to be ICE cold, unless it is my coffee or tea. Apple juice, Crystal lite, water, ... everything MUST be cold or I won't drink it. That's what works for me. Hope this helps. Good luck!

I was a so-so drinker before surgery. It was easy right after surgery because the weather was warmer and I was thirstier. Now, I measure 64oz. in a bottle and either drink it straight or mix in Crystal Light or Wylies SF. It's easier to track how much you drink that way. Lately I've been slacking off.