another stumbling block
Hello all
Well, my ulcer is gone, but now my PCP won't give me medical clearance until I have a sleep apnea study. (Thanks to my hubby!!!)
I guess he wants to make sure I wake up after the surgery. It just seems that it is taking so long, and I am getting frustrated with all the testing. The doctors in my area take forever to get you in for a sleep study. The waiting list is very long from what I understand.
Has anyone from the Elmira area had this study done? How long was your wait? Who did the study?
Sorry to dump on you all, but I was feeling bummed out. Just needed to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening.
Hope all your journeys are less bumpy with great results.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Brenda
I know how frustrating it is to have to wait for all of the pre-op testing... But it will get done hang in there.. I too am frustrated. I had all of the testing done only to get kicked in the butt when my insurance company denied the surgery.. and then denied it again on appeal.. so hang in there you will make it.. and I hope I do too!!
Good luck
Thanks Dina!!!
I just needed to blow off some steam, but it does get frustrating. First, it was my ulcer and had to have endoscopy, now sleep apnea study.
I hope you are successful in your quest against the ins. co.
I am going to contact our local BC/BS office today to see if there will be a problem as the company my insurance is thru has changed some of the benefits after the first of the year.
Good luck to you!!! We will succeed!!!!!!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Kelly
Thanks for your encouragement. I know it will be worth the wait, but I am so anxious to begin the final step in this journey. I really have not been waiting too long, but I have been considering this for about a year. I had my first consult on 12/06 and just need the medical clearance.
Again, thank you for your encouragement.
Good Luck in your journey.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

I did not have to have a sleep study for my surgery but from my understanding that they preform them at Cayuga Medical Center in Ithaca. They have a new sleep study lab setup and it was in there last advertisement that they put out. Best of luck and it is better to be sure that you dont have sleep apena.
Thanks for your encouragement. We have two places here that do the studies, but they are so busy ane the pulmonolgists are hard to get into.
I guess my husband just wants to make sure that I am okay during the surgery. That is why he has been going with me. I am shocked that he has been going as he is unsure about this surgery.
I agree it is better to know either way.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.