Trouble with fluids
hi friends
it has been a while since i have posted and i apologize. i hope you all have a wonderful holiday season...
i have been very sick and in and out of the hospital since surgery november 23rd. i had pancreatitis and now have an ulcer.
i have a question. i think you are all the best to ask since you have all "been there, done that!"
i am able to eat very small bits of food now and can tolerate most, but when i drink ANY fluid at ANY temperature i am getting horrible pains in my stomach/abdomen.
has anyone else encountered this and if so what do you do? i was a huge water drinker and am craving it so much but cannot tolerate the pain.
my doctors have me on what my husband is calling my "medicinal ****tail" and it helps some, but not enough.
any advice?

Hey SHea
Glad to see you around again, I was thinking about you the other day. We had our surgeries at similar times. Anyway, sorry for all the troubles you have gone through but as for the fluid I did have that at about 1-2 weeks post op and for about a week and then it ended up just passing. I'm not really sure what it was but it was terrible. I though something was wrong but it passed. Good Luck, How long is it going on for you? Hopefully it will be the same.
Hi Shea,
I also experienced the problem with water when I first had my surgery. Actually it was anything that I drank bu****er was totally painful. Perhaps the ulcer is agitating this. The reason I point at the ulcer is that eventually I was diagnosed with one. The Endoscopy doctor also said I had a little stricture that also caused the pain. So perhaps they should check you out for this. Once the ulcer was treated I was able to tolerate water/actually liquids. Wishing you luck and don't get used to the "medical coctails"
hi marcia
i am on several meds for the ulcer and the pancreatitis but nothing "fun" lol.
i am hoping that this will pass. i have had every test known to man when i was in the hospital and they didn't find anything else.
did you find that any one fluid was better than another?
thanks for the support!