Whats worng with me
Hi guys!!!!!!
How are you all?? I know I have not been online for a while but now I really need you guys. For the past few days I feeling like eating sour stuff. Sour and spicy. The taste that gets your taste buds watery. And over that for some reason, I feel hungry right after eating. And its not the regualr food hunger. Its the junkie in me. I dont know what is wrong. Also I am going to on vacation this friday for a month. I dont knowhow I should prepare for it. i got advance medication for the tiem. Would I need to take anything else with me? Plus my hair is thinning out like anything. I stroke my hair with my hand and get like 50 strands in my hand EACH TIME. i am pratically bald. I got the Nioxin shampoo and will start using it this week. but is there anything else I can do? I am just too nervous right now and dont know if I am prepared to go on the vacation (actually we are going to my in laws in india and they knew me when I weighed 135lbs. andthis is the time they are going to see me wiegh a 100 pounds more than that. And they are known for making fun of fat people)
Just needed to vent.
thanks and any advice would be appreciated.

[offers you a big hug] Feeling hungry after you have eaten is not really being hungry, as you are aware. It's enjoying the taste and wanting to keep it.
Your hair is gonna thin for a while, but it will grow back. Mine is now as thick as ever. In that regard, you will need to take your protein mix with you. Skipping protein (especially at your stage) is a no-no and can make you very ill. As I recall in India there is a huge vegetarian culture - so remember to eat veggies that are rich in proteins, like beans and stuff like that.
and as for making fun of fat people? YOU will have the last laugh. Don't let 'em get to you, girl. Just smile that knowing smile and turn up that pretty nose. And on that happy note, I hope you have a very wonderful trip!
Mandeep, # 1 Are you getting enough protien in ?
# 2 SHAME on your in-laws! They should be so ashamed of themselves for making fun of people no matter what the situation!
# 3 I wouldn't worry if your husband loves you the way you are that's all that matters. You are not married to them!
OK now I have said enough! As for the spicy stuff how funny you should mention that I went through the same thing not too long ago. Also the Grazing which I got out of really quick (not a good thing to do may I remind you) I am still having hair loss and I am 7 1/2 months out some days it seems like it's stopping then there are days when I feel I can make a wig for a Barbie Doll. I was told Protien and also to take some Biotin (but I read here on the board that if you eat an egg a day that has enough Biotin in it to help w/ the hair loss ( I don't know).
Make sure to take the vitamins and all the necessary things you will need to keep you healthy Mandeep! You don't want to be in a strange place let alone out of the country and God forbid get sick
(not good)
I hope everything goes well for you. You don't have to put up w/ the in-laws (do you?) I hope not. It's a shame but hey to with that. Have you spoken to your husband on how you are feeling about the situation with his parents?
Mandeep remember we are always here for you. Have a great trip and be safe.
Love ya Evelyn 

247/145/past goal of 147