Getting Closer
(deactivated member)
on 12/12/04 10:09 pm - MT
on 12/12/04 10:09 pm - MT
Hello All,
Well I just wanted to post a hello to my AMOS family since I have not been around much.......
I am getting closer, only 3 more weeks until 2005 and that is the year of my surgery....
I know I still have 4 months to go after Jan 1st but I still feel like I am getting closer.........
I do go and weigh in today with my Dr. but I know I did not drop any weight this month and might have even gained some but I will make it through........
Thanks all.....

You so have the right attitude good for you! As for the weight loss don't get hung up on it. I think that when we are pre-op we prettty much know that nothing will work but those stupid insurance companies think they know better. Even though I am a newbie I know for sure that this is the only way to get rid of my weight. Because if I had been trying to diet with the struggles involved I'm sure I would have lost it already and starting eating. So I thank god for this tool and hope that I will always have the strength to work it! So just keep on keepin on. I am cheering for you!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/13/04 2:05 am - MT
on 12/13/04 2:05 am - MT
Thank you so much for your kind words hun....
This time of the year is very hard with all the holiday parties and gooddies.....
I will make it through and someday I will look back at this and smile.......
Thanks again hun and have a great holiday season....

GO Debra
GO Debra
GO Debra
GO Debra
GO Debra
GO Debra
GO Debra
Hey before you know it the time will be here and boy will I be waiting for you on the losing side w/ Bells On (Ding Dong)
I am always here for you Debra Please remember that! Stop being so hard on yourself about the weight loss. Hey you are trying ..right! So remember it's the holidays also and we tend to add some not Lose some
You know what I mean.......right! Well I hope you have a great evening I will talk to you soon. Please tell your DH I said hello!
Love ya My angelette

247/145/past goal of 147

(deactivated member)
on 12/13/04 9:29 pm - MT
on 12/13/04 9:29 pm - MT
Hello my Angel hun and thanks for your words.......
I was starting to get upset with this weight loss thing but well I just have to deal with the Dr and the Nutritinist being upset with me because I am not droping the weight and you are right, if it was easy I would not need the surgery.........
Dr. did want me to start to take Meridia but WOW that stuff if very expensive.......
and of course the Ins will not pay of it.......
I will see what happens with the posts and then I will see if it is worth it.......
well take care hun....