I have to admit I have been soooooooo bad, gotten into the Christmas Candy and believe it or not it has not bothered me, almost wi**** had. After eating wrong foods I don't feel that great but have not Dumped. Also living here in upstate NY I do not go outside to exercise. Don't want to fall back into my old ways and eating habits. Have always valued all the opinions and help I get from this site. Looking for help and kind words again. Almost feel like I am a total failure. I do have 104 to 109 pounds off, only have about 20 pds to go and I don't want to quit now.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Linda've done great! Just try to remember all you've done, and maybe just have a taste or two....I've had a couple of bites of dessert when friends come for dinner, and a bite of a cookie we've baked...but that's where it ends...and I remind myself when I get too hard on myself that in the past I'd have eaten a dozen steps will get you there! Keep up the good work!

You're not a failure - you're human! I'm somewhat the same as you, the sweets are tempting this time of year, and as long as I just eat a little, I don't have any dumping. I honestly haven't tried to eat a lot or on an empty stomach, so I don't know if I would feel the effects then. There are so many people on this board who can stay totally away from the treats, but I'm not one of them. I've decided that as long as I maintain my weight through the holidays and continue to exercise everyday, I wouldn't worry about losing the rest of my weight right now. I'm in CNY, and it's rainy and yucky here, so I mall walk before shopping and I have exercise tapes for home, and I take the stairs at work. It's not major, but it's regular. I have a personal goal of about 15 more pounds, my nutritionist wants to see another 35 - 40.
This is my choice right now, and I am satisfied with it. I weigh myself twice a week, so I know my weight is staying the same. I feel good and I'm active and I'm happy. That's way more that I could say when I was 374 lbs.
Now, that's just me and my attitude right now. If you are not happy with the way you are eating, or feel out of control - do you have a support group? Maybe an emergency holiday session? Or even just a couple of days - go back to the way you ate right after surgery and be very strict with yourself.
Don't be too hard on yourself. Give yourself credit for what you have already accomplished and focus on what good things you will do for yourself to get yourself to goal.
Good luck, Jo
109 lbs is NOT A FAILURE!!!!! And that "feeling bad" after eating wrong choices is a form of dumping. Dumping does not always mean barfing and cold sweats. It just feels bad.
The thing to do is to remember that a little bit is better than a lot. And if you can't get outside to exercise? Get a little cardioglider. They are great. You can walk your buns off while watching tv or reading.
Please don't be so hard on yourself, girly ~ I, too, have only got about 20 lbs to lose, but I have been plateaued for MONTHS. It will go eventually, eh?
Good luck!