obesity help
Hi, Claudette
I am also fairly new, but after I researched the surgery, I contacted my insurance company to see what our plan required. Then, I contacted the surgeon's office for consultation. Before you schedule a consultation, you may have to contact your Primary Care Physician for a referral per your insurance.
I hope this helps. After the consultation, the doctor and his staff will tell you what is next. Good Luck in your search for healthier living.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Claudette~~Welcome to the NY Board!!!
Brenda has given you great info. You can also go to the top of the page and click on WLS Home for more info. Just do lots of research on your surgeon and go to his Support Group Meetings. You will be able to talk and meet people who have had the surgery. Also read everyone's profile. All you have to do is click on their name and don't forget to check out the Before and After Pics here at AMOS! If you need and thing, just post and we will be happy to help you. Good Luck on your journey!

Hi Cluadette
Welcome to the New York Board. I see you are from Brooklyn, me too.
I used Dr. Macura & Lazzaro and thought they were awesome. Their phone number is 718-283-7602. They are with Maimonides and the staff is excellent. If you call they can guide you through the process.
Good Luck e mail me if you need any more info.