One Day at a Time

Melissa it is so good to see you! I have to agree with you on The "One day at a time" It lt is so true. I still worry about the eating like if , is this going to make me sick today even though I had it yesterday and it didn't make me sick because that does happen to me
I am so happy for you Melissa and Congratulations to you on the 25lbs gone 

Have a wonderful day Melissa and please keep us posted when you can on how you are doing!
Love ya, 

{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} Evelyn

Glad to see ya toots
missed you around here......but I know you are on your way to recovery and are at the start of a new life of health and happiness....make sure you take your own advice and take it one day at a were very well prepared for this new birth of yours and you will be very successful...
so you lost that back shelf.....
love the words you chose it is great that you have not lost your sense of humor
I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers as each day you make it closer to a goal long deserved...


Sounds like you're doing great. I think the concentration thing is a hangover from the anesthetics and any pain meds you took. At first I panicked thinking my brain wasn't getting enough of something. They wash out eventually. Just keep on drinking, drinking, drinking!
I don't know if you're like me, but as a control freak there was a lot of changes for me to get used to. For a while your body's going to be in charge for a while. Your head will adjust. Hang in there!