Hunger Pains AFTER Eating
Hi Everyone
I just want to run this by all of you to see if I am the only one who experiences hunger pains AFTER I eat? It is getting very annoying---it does not hurt just feels like I am starving and need to eat. Is this feeling abnormal? Today I went to a diner for lunch and had a few bites of an omlet. Then for dinner I had a few bites of angel hair pasta w/ homemade sf/sauce and two tablespoons of ground sausage. I made sure I drank my protein which I have no problems with as well as water. It is just the food. The only food I do not feel this with is pudding, applesauce, yogurt.

I had a conversation with my doctor about this after surgery. He agrees to some extent. Our stomachs are divided into two parts, a new pouch and the rest of the stomach. The new pouch fills up quickly, but the rest of the stomach feels it hasn't been fed yet. I believe hunger pangs are caused by the release of stomach acids triggered by low blood sugar. It takes a while for our food to get digested and let the 'rest of the stomach' know we have eaten.
My doctor agrees to some extent because he feels that most of the nerve endings are in the new pouch so 'the rest of the stomach' shouldn't feel that hungry. I hope this makes sense.