Catheter and Drains
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/04 6:44 am - MT
on 10/17/04 6:44 am - MT
Hello All,
I have been thinking so much about the catheter and drains I will have and wanted some feedback from you all........
I have never had a catheter and was wondering if you feel it when it is in? and how can you walk with it?....
Now I know I will have 2 drains, please give me feedback on what they feel like at well....I know I have heard they don't hurt coming out but it feels weird........But I wanted to hear the good and the bad so I would be prepaired for all........
Thanks again to all of you for your warm and helping support....
Debra Peace

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/04 7:36 am - MT
on 10/17/04 7:36 am - MT
Well thank you so much on your input.....
Sometimes I laugh because I stress over the silly things....
thanks again,
Debra Peace

I had 2 drains and a catheter. I didn't feel the catheter at all and it was out the day after my surgery. One drain came out the day I was going home and the other came out 2 weeks post op. The one they take out in the hospital wasn't bad at all I never felt it while I was in the hospital and I didn't feel it come out. My second drain I had taken out this past thursday, it was a relief because it started to hurt after about 10 days. I didn't feel it come out at all. They are nothing to worry about.

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/04 8:30 am - MT
on 10/17/04 8:30 am - MT
Thanks so much for your input as well.......
I hope all is going well for you? I have to wait the 6 months before sugery but I am so excited and so nervous......
Thanks again hun,
Debra Peace

The catheter is a welcome thing to have after surgery. For me, the last thing I wanted to do after getting into my room post-op, was to get up to go to the bathroom. As the others have said, you don't even realize it is there, and I never even felt the urge to go while it was in. As for the drains, I had 2 of them, one was taken out the next day after surgery, and the other the day after that. The same thing for my TT. I have a feeling that I just don't give off a lot of fliud, and don't need them for too long. When I walked, the drains were pinned to my gown by the nurse. No big deal. Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/04 10:44 pm - MT
on 10/17/04 10:44 pm - MT
Thanks for the info, just was wondering what to expect.......
Thanks again,
Debra Peace

Hi Debra:
I'm so sorry, but unfortunately my input is a little different. But it is the truth, and as we all know, everyone's experiences are different.
The catheter was a breeze. You can also request that they put in in once you are under sedation so you don't have that uncomfortability.
I, on the other hand had what I believe was a JP(?) drain. I had it removed last week, one week post op. The pain that started from it being there for a week was a bit uncomfortable.
When the doc went to remove it, he said, this is gonna feel a little weird.
When he pulled it out, I must say that it was probably the most excruciating pain I ever experienced. This after 2 c-sections and 2 GB's and having a high pain threshhold. I was without movement for about 10 mins because I had to recover my composure. The doc then said, I hate doing these for this very reason, that's why I usually make the P.A. do them.
Now he did also say that he has seen guys the size of linebackers crumble at the removal of a drain and others are barely even affected by it at all. So I hope you are one of the latter.
My best to you.

(deactivated member)
on 10/18/04 2:54 am - MT
on 10/18/04 2:54 am - MT
I know that is not what I want to hear but I do thank you so much for giving me the input, even if it was not such a good time for you......
I like to have myself prepaired....
Thanks again and I hope you are feeling and doing well?......
Debra Peace

Hi Debra,
Well the catheter was really nothing. No pain what so ever. Actually it was comforting to know you wont wet yourself if you didnt make it in time to the bathroom. How ever the drain............OUCH!!!!!!!!! When it was in me, it didnt matter. There was no feeling. But when it came first was pain like needles whereas they were just cutting the thread that held the drain in place. When it came was a burning sensation with a little pain and then a big relief as it left your body. So dont worry .... just hold your breath for the drain when it comes out fast and easy. It helps alot if you hold your breath and a table near by.
I hope I didnt scare you...this was my true experience. When I wondered about the drain...everyone told me it wouldnt hurt but it did. I wish I knew so I was better prepared. That is why I tell you this.