Just not happy
I need to be encouraged. I am just in a bad frame of mind. It happens once a month, if you know what I mean. To have people tell you that you are too sensative when they say things that you have aleady inicated to do not help you, seem to really upset me right now. I am sick of anyone telling me how to feel, let it go and so many other things because they do not want to deal with me. Just say I do not know how to help, not "it isn't that critical" what is that supposed to mean? I had 1/8 of a cup of cashews and someone asked me if I was allowed to have it!!!
Yes this would normally have me go back to the cashew source and fininsh the can but I just went on to enjoy the ones I had. i have on numberous occasions told this and many other people that that does not help me to not eat things and does nothing for the self esteem I am trying to build, grow, or somehow increase. Now its "oh, Jess is everything okay you are so quiet." Everything I say and do is wrong and every time I pull away I should be more open about my feelings. What is this the military? Hurry up and wait? How do you feel? Oh no, that is just stupid, stop feeling that way?
I need a hobby. I stopped crocheting beacause of the 6 cats playing with the yarn and of course the cat hair being woven into everything. Are there any ideas that do not involve running, standing, jumping or math?
Thanks for listenting.
Hey Girl,
Sounds like you have a case of "too many people in ya damn business syndrome" However, not to worry this can be cured for good by not allowing yourself to get caught up in their grief. There are times that we create our situations without realizing it. Chose who you share your personal, intimate or even public information with. Jess encouragement must also come from within so start crocheting, dancing, singing or for that matter jumping you'll soon realize that you are IN CONTROL.
All the best.
Yea I know, there are times I have a touch of the verbal runs. I do know that, I just do not seem to know how to keep my big mouth shut. Like I said usually I am a little touchy but right now I am a raw nerve. The jumping is a bad Idea because of my knee and hip. I am not opposed to the jumping in general just the landing. Thanks for reading.
Ps.I love the photo. I always wondered what you looked like when I read your posts.
Hey Jess,
Take it easy and remember you can always come here and post your questions, concerns, vents, laughter and sadness. As far as being touchy join the club but remember that all your energy (Negative & Positive) must have a place to thrive. Simply put take control because we are powerful beings and we can inflict harm on our bodies by being "raw". Hope you have a wonderful day!!