some advice maybe?
I've just joined this site recently - it's been really informative, but right at the moment I could use some personal ..I dunno...advice? support?
One part of me is completely gungho for having lapband surgery - I'll lose weight, be healthier and happier and hopefully avoid the possibilities of diabetes & heart disease that I know are a risk
My mom is supportive of me doing this and is in this corner
Another part of me is screaming NO! Am I really that heavy? Am I that hopeless that I need to resort to this? Why can't I just be happy the way I am and to hell with what everyone else thinks? I know that I'm overweight, but god I'm not sure if I want to make this big of a change.
My friends are in the corner - they aren't supportive at ALL - they are very against me doing this.
I'm so torn right now & I don't know what to do. Tomorrow I have a full day of preop testing (bloodwork, GI Xray, nutrionist, psych. eval)
and I'm so tempted to call it all off
I recomend you go ahead with all the plans and keep reading this site. Knowledge is your power and will help you make the right decision for YOU. Not many insurances seem to want to pay for the lap band (so I hear) Seems like more and more the types of procedures, medicines, tests ect... are picked for us by the insurance companies who have us at their mercy. At somepoint you will have a light bulb moment and you will know what to do either way. Others may love you and love you heavy like you are, you even may love yourself as you are but there is also the health factor to consider. Do you have high blood pressure , sore knees and other joints, sleep apnea, or diabeties? Over weight ppl have alot of health issues to consider and it often is not a decision based on looks or what others think of you or you of yourself but, OMG I cant stand another day of sticking myself with needles because I am diabetic, or OMG I cant walk another step my back hurts so bad. How will I work and take care of my children and my home with these sore knees? Will I live to see my kids grow up? These are the concerns that drive most of us to have this drastic measure done. I wish I had done it when I was younger, my body has much more perminant damage done to it now because I waited. Everything is easier when you are younger and not that big. No time for me to regret the past I guess but I hope you find the guidance you look for and make the decision that is right for you. Good luck on your journey and rember we are here if you need us ((hug))
I felt the same way. I have a sister who had an open RNY 2 years ago and I thought she was crazy. I kept telling myself I could just stick to a diet and lose weight and besides I was happy with who I am and how I look. Her surgery was a success and she was healthy and happy. I realized I too should follow her and look into surgery.
The truth is I was not happy with how I looked or how I felt. I worried about my health and dying at a young age (I am only 35) Fortunately, I have great parents and a dear wonderful husband as well the best sister in the world backing me. I am 14 days post op and feel 100% sure I made the right decision.
My advice is go to the testing, you can have it and still change your mind but I would go to a support meeting, talk to people and do some soul searching and decide if you really want this for you and a healthier life. Change is a wonderful scary thing. Embrace it, don't run from it.
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/04 8:34 am - MT
on 10/11/04 8:34 am - MT
I have to say I know exactly how you are thinking right now.......
I first started looking into having this done I was not making up my mind, I was just going to read all I could on this.... Well as I found this site and some others I said ok I want that better and healthier life also but I know I can NOT be THAT big that I need THIS. Well then I took a very long and hard look at myself and I KNOW that I do.......
I had my first consult and 2 days before I was so sick to my tummy about it so I called it off....then I rescheduled when I was in the right frame of mind and this time I am so glad I have started to process.... My body was telling me that I was NOT ready at THAT time and I needed to take some time and research more.....Listen to your body and mind, maybe read more....I do not know what your weight is or your BMI so you should really take the time to think about it........It's all about YOU and no one else........~hugs~
Debra P.

When I had the first appointment with the nurse at the office, they said my weight was 233 and BMI was 39.5.
I had a long talk with myself today and I just don't think I'm ready right now. I'm only 24 - I don't think I've exhausted all other possibilities yet, and mentally, I feel like if I'm crying over this decision...maybe I'm not making the right one.
I feel like I should be 100% confident when(if) I go in to meet the surgeon.
thank you for all your support everyone
I appreciate and I plan on sticking around, I may change my mind later on down the road
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/04 8:59 pm - MT
on 10/11/04 8:59 pm - MT
When you are ready you will know......~hugs~ I wish you all the best and take your time and make sure this is really right for you.....Take care..
Debra P.

Hi Mary
Well I could be in your shoes right now, it took me 14 months to deside to do this and before I finally made up my mind. It is a hard thing to do but the more I read about this the more I wanted it, what pushed me over the edge to go forward with this was all the great things people said about it and all the before and after pictures
I looked at them all the time and said to myself "NO WAY THAT COULD HAPPEN TO ME" Well let me be the first to tell you IT DID, I feel great can do anything I want to do but I will say its not easy at first but now its just a normal way of life for me. I have lost 200lbs in 18 months and THANK MY DR everyday for my new life. Your friends will come around in the end and be there for you I am sure. So what you have to do is READ and then READ somemore until you know the ins and outs of the surgery and do whats best for you yourself.
Hope I helped in anyway and if you need anything answered just ask and we are here to help.
LAP RNY DISTAL 02/19/03 418/220/DONE Dr Korman LA California
PlasticSurgery 06/02/04 15 1/5lbs Removed Dr Rockmore Albany NY

Hi Mary , This is a life long decision so take the time you need to be sure.Im a mother with 2 young girls (3 & 1 1/2yo) I had major complications with both pregnancies and was interbated and on a respiratior with the second. I to tought also that i could get this weight off on my own and that i wasnt "that fat".i went to a dr for a hernia repair and he asked if i ever considered weight loss surgery.i said dont you think thats a little drastic...and he tells me that not seeing you children gradurate and losing 10-20years off your life because of obesity...thats drastic.i told a friend who thought we could just try another diet together and the funny thing is we both researched the lapband and i had mine 8/4 and she had hers sept 9th.ive lost almost 50lbs in 9 weeks.ive never done that on any diet! more importantly i was on110 units of insulin daily. now im on NO INSULIN since i left the need to be sure this is what you want, gather and read all the information you can. whenand if your will know.All the Best!