:wave: Good Afternoon....Any idea why?
I am having a hard time eating and I had my surgery 1 day after you. I had an open gastric bypass. I have no pain and feeling well. I even sleep on my stomach now. No pain whatsoever.
Keep up the good job! What are you eating now? I am on soft: tuna or chicken salad, melba toast, cheese. My stomach lets me know when it is full. Keep up the work!

In the beggining i never knew if i was full I would just stop eating. Now 8 months later i finally get the feeling of being satisfied and full but not over stuffed.
I was so happy when i could finally lay on my side and sleep on my stomach again. I hated sleeping on my back.
How is everything else going ?
Hope all is well,
Nicole -143

congrats ont he weight loss your doing great.
I would stay away from juices, for me i can use a little lactaid milk. Other than that i avoid dairy cause I dump from it.
Try drinking Hot tea, crystal light diet snapple.
In the beginning it seems as if there aren't enough hours in the day to get all ur protein and water in . Im 8months out and i still feel that way with food. I am now able to do over 100oz of fluid per day. It does get better. It can be very overwhelming.
Are u still on pureed foods?
I had my WLS the same day as you I still dont get in all my protien and all attempts to drink a protien shake have failed. I still sleep in the recliner after a few attempts to get through the night in a bed failed. ( my tummy just wasent comfortable yet) I do most of my drinking at night keeping a fresh bottle next to me, I wake up a few times and need a drink anyway. I eat cottage cheeze and peaches packed in pear juice every morning first, its a sure thing for me that it will stay in there. I eat wheat toast and peanutbutter I like the pita better than the bread and can eat about a quarter of a piece. I also eat shrimp because they are really high in protien and allready cooked. I eat beans ( gramma brown and fat free refried) and I melt some cheeze and salsa on that when i heat it in the microwave. I cannot drink milk at all it kept me running to the toilet for about 4 days till I cut it out of the diet totaly. Ive taken a real liking to that new kind of yogurt Le Creme its a small portion of whipped yogurt its very yummy and hits the spot when a sweet tasting snack is wanted. I constantly eat SF popsicles and Jello. I bought and tried 2 types of carb count down drink by Hood. I liked the orange if deluted but dont think I like the lemon. so far I have lost 41lbs. I feel full sometimes depending on what I eat but usally I dont have the sensation of feeling full or hungry. I seem to have trouble knowing if I feel hungry or sick sometimes... its wierd.