Good orning NY TGIF
Good morning Tony! Glad to hear from you. My oldest son lives upstate and I know it is so beautiful when the leaves start to change. (I can do without the cold though)
Yes it is going to be a beautiful day to take the Harley out
This weekend is supposed to be really beautiful also. Have a great day & weekend Tony and it's always great to hear from you!


Hay Pottsdam is not that far but my butt would hurt to ride that far, (I lost all my padding in it) we are at peak right now with the leaves here and in about a week or so we should be past peak like you. The weather here is going to be nice this weekend so its riding time as much as I can for me. Evelyn great to hear from you also and dont work to hard down there in Stamford, I use to deleiver food down there to all the resturants when I worked for SYSCO FOODS and I use to live in Danbury till I moved up here its a big change but I will say I do miss that area sometimes. Anyway everyone have fun this weeklend and talk to all of you guys later.
Thank you Tracy! I am feeling sooooooooo Much better than I was these past few day's . Thanks for the advice on the hot tea, I have been drinking the tea it does help to break everything up. I do have to say the medicine is really working fast though. I wonder if it's because we have such small pouches now and it absorbs quicker
Have a great day & weekend!
Love Ya, Evelyn 


Thank you Tracy! I am feeling sooooooooo Much better than I was these past few day's . Thanks for the advice on the hot tea, I have been drinking the tea it does help to break everything up. I do have to say the medicine is really working fast though. I wonder if it's because we have such small pouches now and it absorbs quicker
Have a great day & weekend!
Love Ya, Evelyn 


Hey Evelyn
I'm glad to know you are feeling better. Yes as a diabetic I know all about sugar free cough syrups. Tussein and Robatussein makes them. They aren't like the originals but they do the trick. If you have to, ask the pharmist for diabetic cough syrups. They are all SF.
Take care and feel better.
Claudia D D

Hi I'm mary - I'm new here, but I just wanted to say Hi because I saw that you are in Potsdam - that's where I did my undergrad - at SUNY - I graduated in 2003. As much as I hated the subzero temps & snow, Potsdam was a great place. I miss the Fields coffee house - it was my favorite place to study.
Anyways - just wanted to say hi
have a good day!