I got a date... FINALLY!

on 9/30/04 4:13 pm - Valhalla, NY
Hello everyone, it truly has been a while. I hope all is well for everyone, especially for those fresh out of surgery and in recovery state. I am here to share the great news... I FINALLY have a surgery date! On December 1st, 2004, I will officially be a LOSER! It was a LONNNGGG journey to get to this point, but I do know that this journey will be for a lifetime... a journey welcomed with open arms and a determined mind. Since getting this news today I have been trying to make a list of all things needed to prepare pre-op and post op... 1). What do I need for the hospital? 2). What are the best vitamins to buy? 3). Important questions for the surgeon.... etc etc. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Love ya & God Bless Jalonda
Marcy L.
on 9/30/04 11:01 pm - Brooklyn, NY
Jalonda, Congrtulations on this part of your journey. As you ponder all the questions that will begin to pop into your head keep in mind that you are the strongest link in this journey!!!!! Answer 1. Wear something loose and plan on wearing it back home. Maybe a book whatever you think you'd need to make you comfortable. Remember that you will be walking a much as possible and maybe even sleep so don't get too crazy about planning you definitely need lip moisturizer!!!! Answer 2. I purchased the Flintstones Chewable UGH!!!! totally nasty. That is something that you'll have to research and taste!!!! Answer 3. Remember this is a major surgery so with that in mind I would definitely want to know his mortality rate, success rate, what he expects from his patients (things we can and can't do every doctor is different) how soon can you have sex (that one was important to me) is someone available for emergency phone calls lets say at 3am, Most importantly you want to feel comfortable with him/her. So all the best and take care of yourself. Marcia
Evelyn L.
on 10/1/04 12:29 am - Harrison, NY
RNY on 05/20/04 with
Jolanda, Congratulations on your surgery date Here is a wonderful site you can go to and it should answer all your questions http://www.gastricbypassfamily.com/ I hope it helps you with what you need. Have a great day & a wonderful weekend. Evelyn
Renee H.
on 10/1/04 3:15 am - Bronx, NY
Congratulations Jalonda. I know it was a long time coming. As far as what you need for the hospital - you will need very little. Odds are you will only be in a few days and the hospital provides your gown, slippers, wash cloths, toothbrush and toothpaste. If you want to bring your own, that is up to you. Wear something loose and comfortable and you will most likely end up wearing the same thing home. Folks talk about bringing a book, or a discman or something for music but I found that the LAST thing I was interested in was reading on grooving to music. I was in recovery and sleeping a lot on day 1. I was still heavy-headed on Day 2. And I went home on Day 3. The hospital is the WORST place to sleep because someone is always in and out of your room so most of my time, I was trying to get some zzzzzz's when I didn't have visitors. Vitamins? Well, so many talk about the Flintstone vitamins when you're early out. I had a problem with taking children's vitamins. Maybe that was just me but I opted for the OptiSource Adult Chewable Vitamins available at walgreens They are orange flavored and not too bad on the taste buds. Plus, they are ADULT vitamins. Questions for the surgeon? The site that Evelyn posted above is a great place to get questions. You may not need to ask all of them and some you may think of that are not on that list but it is a great place to start. Best of luck to you.... Oh yes, and who is your Doctor? Now that you have a date, you might want to update your profile with that information.
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/04 9:46 am - syracuse, NY
Whooo Hoooo thats great news my surgery was on the 1st of dec also 2003
on 10/2/04 7:36 am - Valhalla, NY
Thank you everyone... for your warm wishes and advice. I promise to keep everyone updated on any changes as they happen. Love ya Jalonda
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